Nov 05, 2009 12:00
- 14:18 @ Briggsykakes I mentioned it but I think I got away with it! #
- 18:24 Black Motherfucking Taco, that’s who! #
- 20:37 that catch was ALMOST as good as Lee's! #phillies #
- 20:46 CHOOCH! #phillies #
- 21:00 God damnit Pedro... #
- 21:04 @ sanspoint Keeps it interesting, doesn't it? #
- 22:06 I still love my team though. #Phillies #
- 22:26 @ questlove Exactly my thoughts! #
- 22:28 ....did I speak too soon? #Phillies #
- 22:31 Damnit Phillies, make me look like a fool for saying that! DO IT! I DARE YOU! #Phillies #
- 22:45 .... #Phillies #
- 23:07 I hope we see the appearance of Coke and Hughes tonight. #Phillies #
- 23:21 I assume Rivera comes in tonight in the that might be that D: #Phillies #
- 23:23 GARH PHILLIES! #
- 23:42 @ WidgetsWorkshop They really are reading your thoughts. #
- 23:44 2 left for the Phils #
- 23:48 Grats Yanks. I still love my Phils! Two great seasons for you guys, and a great post season. #Phillies #
- 23:52 PHILLIES! PHILLIES! PHILLIES! PHILLIES! Give them the love they deserve, and grats to the Yanks. #
- 11:08 @ aloria Lies! #
- 11:32 @ aloria I'll take it! #
- 11:47 From Meesh: HAH! #
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