Sep 24, 2009 12:01
- 15:32 @ RemingtonGuest I kinda thought it was supposed to be CAR, not CAT in your last post;-) Go for a Mazda 3 or 6;-) #
- 16:05 Thanks NJTransit website for being so slow or down....I need to check schedules whore! #
- 20:09 - Muse and U2 at Giants stadium! Muse was fuckin awesome! #
- 23:06 Amazing amazing show....U2 puts on one hell of a show. Muse rocked it too! Wow! #
- 10:36 @ Briggsykakes In other words, you're Stuck in a Moment that You can't get out of? ;-) #
- 11:49 Happy Arthur's Day! #
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