Oct 18, 2005 23:40
So it has been awhile since I've done a truly personal update (one that wasn't involved in some sort of confrontation, or conflict), and it has probably been for a good reason. Well, honestly, there have been several reasons, but none of them that good;) There hasn't been some lack of activity recently, I just haven't wanted to re-hash it all again, but I should get some stuff off of my chest, as it's starting to affect me:b
I suppose I'll just go by category, to give this post some sibilance of organization.
Starting w/the not so good, and working my way to the great.
Before this begins, I know this is something that I always find a reason to complain about, and this week has been as bad, but it has still been happening.
About 3 or 4 weeks ago, my store manager had to leave town to go to Vegas for our Game Crazy vendor show - during this show ALL of Game Crazy management from Store Manager up to Region Ass-Bags... I mean big-wigs... leave their areas to convene in sin city itself. They indulge in games that aren't going to see retail shelves for months to come, drink themselves into a stupor, and get tons of free shit.
Not so bad, right? Management's out of town, I can do fuck-all, right? Wrong, while I can at times be quite lazy at work it's quite difficult for me to do that when i know someone is depending on me. I was given a project by my manager involving getting all of our 2,000 used ps2 games in order and done correctly... "No big deal," I thought as the week began, "we've got all week to get this done." The "we" I was referring to at the time was myself and my two co-workers; the "we" i was referring to in reality was me.
Don't get me wrong, I really like the people I worked with at the time. On a personal level, I feel I get along with both Chase and Calvin, but there were a few issues that particular week that impeded us from making any sort of significant progress.
Firstly, Calvin was, and still sort of is, new. At that time he was still getting used to running on our whack-ass inventory system, and DOS terminals. How could I shoulder him with quite a large task of indepth re-organization of an entire category involving literally a couple of thousand games, when he still isn't 100% comfortable with the day to day procedures?
Up to bat next is Chase. Don't get me wrong, I love Chase and his fiance to death - but as soon as he learned they were moving to California at the end of October, and he knew his time was limited, he stopped caring about the work to be done. Since I was more or less given responsibility of the store, Chase's reaction to me was "What are you gonna do, fire me!?"
So, we made it through the week (with me completely out of dress code the entire time), and James returned for a week. He then left for another week. A week of complete hell. This was the final week that Chase was working, and I had 43 hours ON THE SCHEDULE, with lunches figured in. I make a little over $7 and hour, needless to say, I was a bit stressed out. I've had one part time week in the past month, and while the money is nice, it doesn't compensate for the stress; which has started bleeding over into my personal life.
Michelle and I were going at it quite a bit, mostly because I was always tired and crabby. We had a talk about it, and I'm pretty sure we've worked things out quite well. It's all about some empathy;)
Work this week has been more of the same. More than I want, but I feel like i have a quasi responsibility (Michelle, I know what you're thinking "Responsibility to what? why? *$#@ that place!" j/k;)) O:-)
I'm a stinker.
Next up:
The Short Bus Riders.
The sketch comedy troupe I joined has been kinda of crazy lately. We've lost 4 people in the past few weeks, and it appears we are losing more, which is rather sad, because I really like the group of people we have had. Hopefully we will get some new talent on board and take off:)
We had better, anyway. If our last show was the cafe coco show, then damn. That was one of the most pretentious places I've ever been in my life. Not only did they not pay attention to us giving our all in performance, they talked through it, and almost heckled. If anyone that is a fan of that place reads this, fuck off! lol. No, I'm serious, I don't want people that like that kind of pretentious atmosphere to read this.
And it's not like I didn't walk around the place a bit either, aside from performing.
I tend to be a laid back, nice and somewhat charming guy. I'm not the best person in the world, but I like to think that I'm not difficult to meet, or be around. But whenever walking around that place, I got the most nasty stares; and when going to the bathroom once (the bathroom is kinda crammed) and someone was coming the opposite direction, I said "pardon me" with my semi-fake southern draw quite politely and their response was "whatever" and a scoff.
And I say that not with a raised voice, but with a voice full of conviction.
Finally, we will move on to the good:
Nothing much to bitch about here. She's hot, she's sweet, she's cool. We play mario kart together, we play gauntlet sometimes (not enough, i know... i'm workin on it), we use magic, we own 4 sided dice, and we drink coffee.
It's good times.
If you made it this far, good job;)
Maybe I'll update more later, but my hands are cramping;)
Shine On.