May 19, 2005 03:14
Well, I just finished watching Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith...great stuff...Yeh...I'm very tired, and I feel broken right now...Do not ask me why as it will change by morning...My languidness is what causes it...the journal thing says I'm disappointed...but that isn't quite accurate, there are some people that disappoint me with their actions...but overall, I am happy...more than happy, I am joyful...
Anyways...Episode III was great...Anakin turned out to be quite nefarious (as we all knew)...His only weakness was his love for his mellifluous wife...perhaps if Anakin had more incongruity, he would've let Mace Windu assassinate The Sith Lord...The Sith's reign will be lugacious though, so we have no need to be perturbed...
For those who may think of me attempting to have a sort of magniloquence...I only seek to increase my knowledge and vocabulary, hence my use of these large words...I still wish to be luculent though :)
Go forth and don't have a perfunctory day...but have a great day in the Lord, hearing His euphonius voice...Give ear to His Word, that you may grow in the wisdom and knowledge of God...lest you fall into sin...The Christian whose conscious tells him that what he is about to do is sin, but does so is as if he were to look at Christ on the cross, look upon Him, and spit on Him saying "I don't care that you have done this for me, for I am selfish, and seek to please myself for my own glory."
I urge you my brethren, take heed to the Word of God, and live by it. Seek to glorify God first, and may you do so abundantly. Take pleasure in God's pleasure, and as an outflow of this action, may it please you to glorify your Creator and Sovereign Ruler...
"Why did God bruise his Son and bring him to grief? He did it to resolve the dissonance between his love for his glory and his love for sinners...If I were asked, "What is the most important paragraph in the Bible?" I think [Romans 3:23-26] is the paragrah I would name. It goes to the very root of the Christian gospel and lays bare the heart of God like few other texts. If there is a moment in the symphony of biblical revelation when the contrasting themes of justice and mercy come together into a magnificent orchestral statement of unity and harmony and peace, it is here in Romans 3:23-26."
23) All have sined and fall short of the glory of God; they are justified by his grace as a gift, trhough the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins; it was to prove at the present time that he himself is righteous and he justifies him who has faith in Jesus.
In Christ,