Jun 10, 2009 17:30
mid day entry #2.87
so as usual, it's been a while since i've written.
last week the band i play in with rodney, Glass Mountains, played at hab's. it was ridiculously fun for me. I haven't performed in front of an audience in forever. RIP cello career. :( but this was the first time i played bass for an audience. it was mostly friends and family, but everyone seemed to enjoy the simple tunes we played. plus a few free dos xx helped the enjoyment.
i've been working at my job as valet. it's pretty enjoyable. most of the guys that work there are chill enough. i found out that one of my managers has two tattoos on his head. one of the confederate flag and one of a pot leaf. but apparently he has calmed down a bit. he wants to be a cop now. go figure.
i wish they would give me more hours during the week though. i've only been working on the weekends. but we'll see if i keep the job during school.
this friday i have another court appearance. i'm hoping that this whole thing is taken care of on friday. i would really like to keep my license. i can not speed ever again.
it is less than one month till our california vacation. i'm starting to get pretty excited about that. i called my cousin today to see what's up and try to finalize plans. but she was working.
i'd really like to go to enchanted rock, big bend, and that natural spring i was talking about.
e-rock is like a day thing, the natural spring is like 2 days, and big bend is many days so i'm not sure about that one.
my mom is gone for a while. so it's like living in an apartment by myself with no roomies. so i've been getting people to come out and hang. it's a nice change. i went running then swimming today. it's been so nice recently.
oh and hey. richard comes on saturday. let's not go to crown ridge please. ever.
i'm on the hunt to find 'fear and loathing' for under $30. is that so hard?
ps. we heard a baby kitten at my house last night!!