Reasons behind your username.
I’m usually Inkfire, because it’s pretty and fitting and I like fire themes, but on LJ it was taken. Hence flowsoffire-mixing up the water and fire imagery seemed like a nice idea, and it reminded me of both River and Florence + The Machine lyrics. What’s not to love?
Not much to say about today, I spent a lot of time trying to do computer things to fix a problem with Skype, and ultimately managed to get where I wanted but that did not fix the issue. Yayyy. =P Also, my mother watched Listen and apparently quite liked it, but might have liked it more if the subtitles hadn't been done by a highly intelligent human being who thought it would be funny to insert sexual terms into random sentences. But that aside it has been a nice day. XD
Edit: HA! This girl managed to successfully insert the video plug-in into Gimp after yesterday's failed attempt. TAKE THAT, TECHNOLOGY. Giffing, here I come.
Oh, and pssst, Marvel fans:
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