Fic recs just because:
Very old and very kind by Cactusepique made me swoon. It's post-Kill the Moon, and it works on the exact same episode parallels the episode made me think of (The Beast Below and Waters of Mars-plus an extra Wedding of River Song one I hadn't thought of). AND IT IS CLARA + RIVER INTERACTION. No Doctor, just Clara and River sitting down and talking. And it's emotional and wonderful and all of my favourite things. And I had the pleasure of beta-reading it since the author is also French ^_^ Nice stuff all around.
On the Banks of the Sararahelkos by nonelvis is otter!fic through the POV of the otters. It will kill you with adorable.
Love y'all.
Oh, and I can't believe I forgot
this. Such classic!Who loveliness! ♥