Icons #4-a batch of 32 (s5 and s6)

Mar 19, 2014 23:48

And here is the newest batch of my babies! ♥ God, I just love icon-making a bit more each day. *flails happily*

Caps are from the lovely universaldogma; #13 to #32 were made for a battle with her, in which she'll put me to shame again but that's okay :D *hugs* This time there was a bit of texture use, for which the credit goes to midnight-road. I'll put together a resources ( Read more... )

sharing, i make icons now icons are cool, happy, doctor who, obsessions, squee, shiny, ahhh, yay, omfg

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flowsoffire March 20 2014, 07:31:04 UTC
Bad girl, going to bed late! :D (Eh, bit past midnight for me so I can't really talk!)

Thank youuuu! *hugs you happily* I'm so happy you like them! Yes, the lightning would be the lovely new tricks I learned-duplicating the image into several layers, then setting each in a different mode with each having its own effect, "soft light", "screen" etc-and using this with colour filling and gradients allows me to get the colours without their "taking all the room" and numbing the image's original lightning/clarity. I love this shit :D

Hahaha, Amy's hair! :D I had great fun with it, tbh, redheads ftw!

Dude. Here is a little treat for you:

Those are nothing outstanding, because I just threw them together in two minutes-basic reworking of the Donna ones from my previous batch with the aforementioned layer use-but I hope you'll like them =) And as I mentioned, I'm going to get a lot of s7 caps soonish so the next batch should be mostly that, but afterwards there are possibilities of caps for all seasons so you might come to see some more Donna! :D I'd certainly like to do her! (In icons ;))


angel1605 March 20 2014, 19:15:03 UTC
GO GIRL for all the editing skills! It's amazing. I don't understand most of what you wrote, it sounds super complicated to me, I'll just stick to staring at all the pretty :P
ESPECIALLY with those gorgeous Donna icons *saves to harddrive* (if tha'ts all right with you?) Thanks so much for that! *squishes* <3

You do know that there's screencap sites out there, right? Just in case you want to get ahead? :P http://screencapped.net/listings/doctor-who-season-7-screencaps/
(Not saying that they're as good as your friends', just wanted to make sure that both of you know that there's a lots of screencaps out there :))

"I'd certainly like to do her! (In icons ;))" LOL


flowsoffire March 20 2014, 19:30:08 UTC
Hahaha, sorry!!! I tried to make it sound clear enough but of course not knowing the specific terms makes it tough ;) I thought you might use the knowledge if you do want to get into icons yourself at some point, but tutorials will explain better than I can, probably ;)

Of course it's fine, that's what I did it for and I'm happy you like them enough for saving =)

Yes, I know there are caps websites, don't worry! :) I used to use that, but now that I have a friend who sends me caps by 1K batches, well, no use cluttering my folders ;) Still, if I feel like finding something from a very specific episode I can look through the websites…

My evening is being madly free-I've got little to nothing left to do email-wise, rn I'm typing lots of the Idris fic (1,1K out of 1,5!), then I'll probably just chill and watch stuff/idly sort through my bunches of caps to separate the ones I've already done from the rest ;) Unless I can get inspired to write… mmm. *hums*



angel1605 March 20 2014, 23:13:05 UTC
OMG no, I didn't mean that you didn't explained well, I meant that I didn't understand because it's so not my cup of tea! It would take me so much effort to learn that I don't bother, which is why I only respect you more for figuring this all out, and making such awesome icons!

Glad the screencap method is working out so well for you :D

Did you finish the Idris fic? ;)
I hoped you enjoyed the rest of your evening :D
Did you perhaps get inspired to write? ;P


flowsoffire March 21 2014, 07:47:04 UTC
Hahaha, no worries. I just worried it was a bit silly explaining when I knew you weren't into icon-making, in hindsight-one of those occurrences in which it feels kinda self-conscious, like "look at the complex stuff I can do, whoa" (and it remains more basic than it sounds ;)), but I know it's fine because you know me well enough to know better ;)

Typing is finished, and evening was lovely! I didn't feel very motivated and really wanted to watch classic!Who for once, so I figured 1K of typing meant I'd been good enough, and there would be time to try and get back to writing later as I've got no typing whatsoever to worry about anymore ;) So yeah, 3 Who parts and a half, it was lovely ♥ Especially the part that was NOT A RECON, hahaha. It really feels sooo much more exciting, although the rest is still fun enough that I don't want to miss out.

Hope your evening was nice too! ♥♥♥


angel1605 March 21 2014, 19:40:25 UTC
No, it wasn't silly at all - /I/ feel silly for not being able to keep up ;) and I /am/ curious about it; I did ask for the explanation after all, so don't feel silly hon <3

"Especially the part that was NOT A RECON, hahaha." LOL.

My evening was nice too; was uselessly on the web until 1 ;) Got up at 7 to pack. Now I'm tired :P Gonna go to bed soon.


flowsoffire March 21 2014, 19:56:06 UTC
I won't if you won't! ^_^


No wonder you're tired! Do rest up, dear! ♥♥♥


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