Just finished watching the ep! A few comments thrown while I'm at it:
Just. All. The. Emotion. Oh. My. Heart. I think I never loved Susan so much-her acting, the Doctor's, David, Barbara quietly pulling Ian along to leave the two some space-the broken way she just stood where the TARDIS had been, and David softly coaxing her to him… Ahhhhhhhh ♥ It was beautiful. I'm usually not that big a Susan fan, but god knows I love angst, and the emotion here, everywhere… The Doctor's look as he stood in the TARDIS with Ian and Barbara, and the contrast with the hopeful, loving face he managed to pull for Susan… Oh dearrrr.
(The wedding bells-I swear, for a second I was like "THEY DIDN'T!". Well no, they hadn't =P)
2- On Susan on the whole: I liked her romance with David, it was quite sweet. Wrestling on the ground and hand-stroking made me swoon. I was cheering for them when they kissed, and laughing my arse off when the Doctor arrived THREE SECONDS later, and I also liked many little moments between them. I really enjoyed the moment when Susan put her foot down and disagreed with the Doctor earlier, taking David's side, and how he strongly disagreed with her… yet her FACE when he smoothly brought up the VERY SAME idea to David later on ^_^ How lovely.
However, Susan still spends a lot of the episode being treated like a kid-and when it's not that, it's awkward stuff that implies that she absolutely needs someone to take care of her, and the Doctor will basically have to pass on the responsibility to David :/ (And David acts bossy too, at times at least.) *sighs* Empowered women ftw. I am well aware that this is 1964, but it still hurts to see Susan be treated like the mere notion she could exist for herself and herself only doesn't even occur to anyone, her least of all. (And I was made really uncomfortable by the way the Doctor made Susan feel awful for falling and hurting her leg. She was reckless, all right, but she was exploring and she damn fell down. And he went and acted so belittling.)
3- But One is still FULL OF AWESOME and makes up for anything with stupid brilliant lines like "What you need is a jolly good smacked bottom!" or "You're a genius." / "Yes, there are very few of us left. Now, let's get out, and be crafty." or "And don't stop on the way to pick daisies."
Also, don't call him Doc. Just don't.
Susan isn't bad either: "She says she can cook. And what do you do?" / "I eat." And this is David speaking, I only realized later :D Lovely first interaction, teehee.
4- I loved One and Ian's clever moment when they were prisoners together and figured out how to get the door open. Of course the Doctor did most of the job, but there was such a good feeling to his interaction with Ian, like they were a team and he just explained everything instead of going on his own genius bubble. And the way he treated that annoying Craddock guy. Such a "peasant" vibe, it was thoroughly hilarious.
5- Lovely secondary characters in Jenny and Dortmun. Really enjoyed them.
6- Barbara is a damn clever bunny and I love her. (Except when she couldn't figure out that the old woman was totally going to backstab them in the next five minutes. Honestly!)
7- However, I'm just not so fond of Daleks in the classics so far. Their voices are just even more unpleasant and they can't seem to hold my interest, they just seem… more dumb than deadly. Mostly I giggled at them when they circled around. Their robot-men really left me unimpressed as well. I did laugh at their wanting to drive the Earth like a spaceship, and harder still when the Doctor was like, utterly confident that there was NO WAY they'd survived the explosion, man. See you in 50 years, old friend. I'm also very eager to see when the whole Doctor-is-a-deadly-enemy thing starts to sink in. I was wondering if it was a sign when the Doctor did… whatever… to incapacitate them before he could turn the robot-men against them, and we could see their POV through their eye and there was that big focus on the Doctor's face, all solemn.
9- Barbara imitating a Dalek's voice is the most hilarious fail ever. And this time it was the Doctor who was smoothly like "hush, hush, I'll take it from here all right".
10- There was that one point in the last part when the Doctor kept stammering, when he was talking about the Daleks' plan, I think, and no idea if it was always planned like that or an accident in Hartnell's delivery and they liked it and kept it, but I found it unbearably cute.
11- Ian/Barbara's hug as they were reunited near the end was awwww. ♥
I think that will be all. It's all I can think of anyway-or rather, I went and fetched the thoughts from my Twitter, and just elaborated on them and ordered them a little. I found myself doing live comments-never done this before and it actually annoyed me a little on other people's Twitter, but it was just… fun! Might carry on with it in the future. At least it'll make me more active as I'm usually not much of a tweeting kind of girl ;)
Small break from DW now, as I have to catch up on the newly-airing Skins final season (not too high hopes, but at least they'd better treat my favourite char right, since they were inspired enough to choose her to be brought back), but then Vicki gets on board :D Looking forward to it!