I've really enjoyed a lot of
perianella's fics and am particularly in love with this one. Few things I've read have managed to portray so well the closeness and perfect compatibility Brian and Justin have that is not quite like anything I've seen with any other TV or movie couple. I've always seen their relationship as one that defies the idea that there's a fine line between sex and love and one really has nothing to do with the other. I think that as much as some people like Brian can fuck around with tons of people they barely know and don't see it as an intimate thing to share with someone, anyone can always be in a somewhat vulnerable state when they have sex with someone, and surely the worst thing Brian can do if he intends to avoid falling in love with one person he seems to be especially drawn to is actually sleep with him (and keep sleeping with him...and keep sleeping with him...). Brian keeps telling himself it's only fucking long after it's become more like making love, when it's clear there's a certain unidentifiable something that makes it better with Justin than with anyone else for him.
All of this Brian reflects on in "Firsts" in a way that doesn't seem too profound or sentimental for him. This fic feels very consistent with the way Brian and Justin's story was always handled in the show because it's a perfect blend of hot and romantic, which B/J so often are able to be at the same time.
Title: Firsts
Author: Peri (
Characters & Pairings: Brian/Justin
Rating: R
Summary: "Brian finds himself recalling with surprising ease the details of the many firsts he’s given Justin." Takes place within episode 4.01, and references events from episode 1.21.
"You never should have listened to me..."