"Forget it, Sam. It's Purgatory."

Feb 01, 2011 04:01

*waves to new friends* :D


Fun discussion of how the writing of this season of Supernatural has a film noir influence and what that could mean for where it's going. The more I think about it the more I can see the connections in the themes of the current story arch, especially with the concept of the wall. I mean, of course Sam is going to scratch the wall even though he's not going to like the knowledge that uncovers, because that's what the intrepid detective does. *wrings hands nervously*

Of course someone in the comments had to ask how a show that's supposed to be horror can be in the noir genre without that taking away from everything it's always been, as if they were trying to provoke me into spamming them with more information than they probably cared to know about how it's a style not a genre and can even apply to a lot of science fiction, etc. Especially if they were just one of the fans who's determined to hate this season no matter what and were looking for reason to say it makes no sense more than actually wondering. (I'm so used to seeing almost nothing but complaining about everything in S6 that I can't tell the difference anymore, LOL.)

I just don't get the hate, dammit. in some ways this season has actually been a lot more consistent and focused than Season 5, which was so stop-and-go in dealing with the Apocalypse that it felt kind of aimless at points. Maybe I'm not as intensely hooked as I've been in former seasons, but that's probably 80% because of the fact that technically one of the two main characters has been absent the whole time so far (and yeah, I think it may not have been the best decision to prolong that for eleven episodes, but then again all that waiting and build-up means an Extra Epic Reunion). The more I think about it, the more I really like what they're doing with this plot and I'm kind of dying to find out what's really going on.

I think I'll survive waiting until Friday, though...I can't believe some fans are still talking about taking action against the great injustice of the extended Hellatus somehow. Shouldn't we be over it by now...or at least pretending to be?


randomneses wrote some meta on Lily Potter and her relationships in a discussion post about her in hp_commonroom which is so totally spot-on, insightful, and well-reasoned I knew I must pimp it. Some fans can be so brutal to her character and this sums up perfectly how much utter bullshit that is.


The nice thing about how damn long it's been since I last posted fic before my current WIP, even though I have been working on a crapload of things in the past year that just haven't been ready for me to finish and share, is that I seem to no longer be conditioned to expect feedback. Because I'm working on my first fic for SPN, which is a freaking gigantic fandom in which I'm just a newb writer, I had no idea what to expect when I started posting it as far as how many readers I'd get, and I had absolutely no expectations positive or negative. I posted the first part and then just kind of...forgot about it. I went right back to working on writing the next part, in fact, and then later was I like Oh, I guess I might as well see if I actually have any comments... LOL. This is a very nice state of mind to be in.

But I was really surprised by how enthusiastic some of the comments were on just the first part. O_O And somebody actually said "I remember your Twilight fic always being strong and I'm glad to see you're writing SPN now," which was a funny surprise. Maybe both fandoms are really popular, but Twilight is so het-oriented and Supernatural is sooooo not, haha, so I wouldn't really expect to be recognized for my "Why must these books suck so much and make me want to make it all better" Twific by someone in this fandom. But obviously I've been involved in both so it's not unthinkable, lol.


I watched the new ep of Skins and I'm pretty happy with the new generation so far. I can already tell I'm going to really love Rich and Alo, and Grace is so sweet and totally gorgeous, and Matty who hasn't even been properly introduced yet seems interesting (I think the scene between him and Franky is even better if they aren't going to end up being an item, hm), and LMAO always at the teachers and school staff on this show. "The original punk, Charlotte Bronte!" *dies*

supernatural, hp fic & meta, skins, hp, hp fic & meta: recs

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