
Sep 04, 2010 23:16

1. Guess who got tickets to see Angels In America with Zachary Quinto in it? MEEEEEEE. *flail*

And by that I mean I'm seeing AIA with Zach in it as a bonus, not just going to see Zach in a play. A lot of ZQ fans are going to go to this for him and be introduced to an awesome work of writing in the process, but this is my favorite play and one I've always hoped I'd one day get to see on the stage. So when I found out there was going to be a new production with him playing Louis Ironson, I knew I had to make this happen somehow or pretty much regret not going for the rest of my liiiiife.

2. You know...I could already write a whole book on why it's hard participating in the Twilight fandom and being associated with those people and often automatically judged because of it, even though that's the only fandom I've ever been in only out of interest in exploring the neglected potential of certain things or just generally ripping apart everything that's wrong with the foundation of canon and having a surprising amount of fun trying to make it into something better. (So I kind of like the fantasy universe of it, okay? Shoot me. I'm honestly sick of the complaining about the fact that the vampires sparkle because I've never been into vampires and am not a dorky purist about the concept and all, plus even if they weren't called "vampires" in this series, guess what, it would still be incredibly stupid and not at all appealing that the guy SPARKLES. And I'm still not ashamed to proclaim I do think a lot of characters whose names are not Edward or Bella are actually pretty awesome, as if SMeyer practically made them that way by accident.)

But anyway, I can usually deal with the annoying stuff I run into just because I'm part of a sub-fandom of people who only like certain elements of the series and generally agree that it's not too well-written but are somehow still drawn to it. Usually I understand where the hate comes from quite enough so it doesn't get to me. But when it comes to this and I'm getting random dumbass comments on my really old fanfic from obvious trolls committing their time to searching for these people and making fun of them, it goes past the point of being annoying and just gets hilarious. To think someone can actually succeed at being a bigger loser than one of the Twilight Moms. nobody beats the Twilight Moms at having no lives. But still.

3. Been catching up on new Mad Men and this season is SO GOOD so far.

- LOL forever @ pretentious hipsters who do what Andy Warhol tells them.

- I feel like I'm the only person alive who doesn't really have a problem with Peggy's boyfriend.

- But oh Christ, Pete/Peggy out of nowhere. Guh. It's become so weird to remember that I literally hated them together when they were actually an active item in season 1, not just because I feel so differently now but because I rarely have that kind of reaction to canon ships. Even if I don't see much appeal in a relationship being developed, I can usually go with the flow, but I was like NOOOO and now I'm like :'(((((. And I've definitely more or less said that before, but it merits repeating because I literally keep liking the idea of Pete/Peggy more and more as they keep growing further apart.

Meanwhile Pete and Trudy continue to be adorable and lovely, and for some reason I have this bad feeling that Trudy is going to end up dying in childbirth or something tragic like that, even though if that ended up being how Pete would eventually end up back with Peggy that would seem so cheap and...not Weiner. Or maybe something is finally going to happen between them again when you really don't want it to because it will be wrong, wrong, wrong. That would be more like Weiner. Haha.

- Definitely loved Lane being unexpectedly hilarious, if in a...depressing way. "This film is very good!" *dies*

- NEEDS KINSEY BACK. NOT TO MENTION SAL. We're six episodes in now, I've been patient, now where are they? LOL.

4. Okay, meme...

Replace one of the questions with a new one. Tag 11 people. Them's the rules and apparently they're pretty serious.

→ What song are you currently addicted to?
"I'll Believe In Anything" by Wolf Parade.

→ What book are you currently reading?
The Picture of Dorian Gray. Coincidentally at the same time that my grandma is reading it. (Recently I randomly got a letter from her for the first time in many years telling me how she checked out a book by "that naughty, naughty, adorable, irresistible Oscar Wilde"...LMAO.)

→ What’s the latest movie you watched?
Hero. I'm in the process of some intense brainstorming for a pretty epic novel-length Avatar: TLA future-fic and so am exposing myself nearly exclusively to martial arts movies, action anime, and other related genres of stuff right now. 'Cause that's just how my brain works.

→ What is your favorite hang-out?
24-hour diners.

→ What's your favorite musical instrument?
This is always hard to say. Probably the oboe, but the erhu is also very beautiful, and I think banjos are really cool as part of unconventional instrumentation in rock/alternative music. Or how about the sampler. (Incidentally none of these are one of the three instruments I've ever learned to play, haha.)

→ What web sites do you always visit when you go online?
Facebook. LJ. Often Amazon. Sometimes OKCupid, which should be called The Man Pit (okay, it's not that bad, LOL).

→ What was the last thing you bought?
Stocked up on Yogi kombucha green tea. Damn that stuff is delicious.

→ If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Save it for a place of residence.

→ When was the last time you cried?
Thursday, a little. My last day at the job I had because the store is closing and the bummer of it all sort of hit me all at once. It wasn't the kind of job I wanted to stay with for a long time, but the idea of starting all over again somewhere else already is kind of depressing and I'm going to miss a lot of the people there.

→ What's the last thing that made you happy?
Watching my cat and dog act silly together.

→ Do you want to learn another language?
Been there, done that. Je ne parle pas japonais bien. Sumimasen, keisatsu o yonde kudasai.

→ Five things you can’t live without.
My dear iPod Serge, my friends, ninety6tears and our talking violin inside jokes, expressing myself in writing, Diet Coke

→ Favorite fashion accessory?
Shoes...if that counts.

Tagging: taragel, jolinar_rosha, lunylucy, eumelkeks, ninety6tears, backinblack, meiou-set, isisgodiva, ophelietta, nikki6, xcgirl08...if you want to do it and haven't already. Tag 11? Random number.

angels in america, mad men, avatar: the last airbender, random & miscellaneous, twilight

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