Title: The Calm Before the Storm
Author: Sara (
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack and Ennis in the tent during the hailstorm.
Notes: I really love that brief scene in the movie with Jack and Ennis running into the tent during the hailstorm, and for a while I was thinking about writing some kind of continuation of that scene. So when the prompt for this
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Comments 5
Like I said, the element with the stars is a little Gaiman-esque. That thing about Jack's breath blowing against his neck is so sweet, like you imagine that it's so cold that you can still see their breath even though they're all cuddled together and not cold anymore. And it's really nice how they quickly use the cigarette as an excuse to huddle closer together...
I don't know, all your other commenters said pretty much everything I was thinking. It's even better than the other one.
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