Several people on my f-list are doing this and it's made me realize the last time I wrote a commentary for anything it was for my Brokeback Mountain fics literally ages ago. And while I'm stuck on like five different plot points for the Star Trek XI gen fic I'm working on I need something to do. So even if you haven't read any of these you can just pick one. Unless you think writing fanfic commentaries is narcissistic and silly, which it is.
Poll 2. Sharing these just for the hell of it. At
ontd_startrek everyone's been asked to draw a picture, however terrible, of themselves as a Starfleet officer so we can make a big collage of all the members' submissions. So here's me as a reboot-universe redskirt:
I also did one for
ninety6tears because her art skills are even less remarkable than mine. She wanted to be a mirror universe Vulcan, which is infinitely more fun.