Thank you and goodbye 2010!

Jan 01, 2011 22:33

If I could describe 2010, it was a pretty hard year for me. There were a lot of things that happened which allowed me to grow and not only know myself more but know others as well.

It's been a tough year for my family. My grandparents (Mom's side) had their 50th wedding anniversary and everyone of us were so happy. I could say Lola and Lolo were a true inspiration to every couple who attended their anniversary. Since I was a child, they've been so sweet to each other and the love that hey had given us, I can't even describe it! It was just so pure and selfless. But as what others say, we only borrowed our lives. Lola has finally joined Him. It was so hard to accept since we loved her dearly and we knew from the moment she left, nothing will ever be the same. Now, it feels really different, we have no one to talk or laugh about. She just brings so much joy to us. And I miss her so much.

I've met a lot of people this year. Both fandom and real life. Fandom wise, I got to know more people and deepen my friendship with others as well. And I truly thank everyone who stayed with me. Ally, Germain, Kim, Kara, Ate Kat. Everyone of those who I only talked to this year were just simply amazing as well, especially Perminent and SJ-World staff! I couldn't find anyone more amazing and sweet as them! I really am thankful even though I know I don't help a lot with forum works ._. Sorry!

Real life, oh gosh! no words can express how much I adore my bitches, Donna, Angge, Toni and Pons! You girls are so fun to be with~ and you make everything less stressful. We share the pain and help each other overcome the torture school has been giving us! Gob, Jules, Danielle, Sha, Tyler~ I wish we could've been close since the start, you all are equally lovable like the 4 girls I am always with. Thank you so much for the laughs! Thank you too for helping us with studies! ♥

I think it has been a great year. Fandom wise. I was able to see Super Junior and it's one of my greatest and happiest moments in my life. Just the thought of Sungmin fastly passing by in front of me, Ryeowook, Donghae and Shindong waving their hellos, and Kyuhyun aiming his water gun and splashing water right in front of my face with his famous evil grin, it just feels surreal until now. I love all of them more as I have loved them before. They are truly precious!

It's an aspect of my life that I really don't want to talk about 8D But the fact that I passed Foreign Policy and nailed the final exam on that subject I feel proud of myself!

I can drive now! Although I got involved in an accident, it made me more cautious and more aware of my surroundings. Although I'm fully aware that I have extreme slow reflexes, driving kinda proved it wrong anyway. I just feel so accomplished since my family has been bothering me about it. I'm just so different from everyone else in the family and I like it that I have my own world at home. AT LEAST. Although I am disappointed with myself, I still believe that I can improve and be better.

personal:friends, personal:family, kpop:superjunior, personal:me

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