(no subject)

Jan 30, 2011 01:24

• Haku is from just end-canon. •

Age: appears 12, but probably much older
Height: tiny
Weight: ...tiny?
Hair: greenish black
Eyes: freaky sea green

Medical Info: not actually human!

Physical Info: Appears as either a pretty 12-year-old Japanese boy with a stupid haircut or as a dragon. His fur sometimes ~shimmers~ like water.

Abilities: his abilities seem to be just whatever is convenient :|a He's shown to put spells on food, unbind other spells, recognize illusions, FLY, recover from horrible injuries overnight, manipulate wind to some degree, and show people visions by touching their forehead. And he can do some... THING where he creates cherry blossoms.

What's Okay to Mention Around Him: most things should be fine, but what's NOT okay is spoiling him for his real name. NOT COOL, GUYS.

Notes for the Psychics/Spiritually Sensitive: is a dragon and a river god, and possibly a rather powerful one at that! Psychics won't get too much, but feel free to pick up on his ~true love~ for Chihiro. EVERYONE ELSE DOES.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ask/ask/try/try I am lenient about most things, but getting in contact first is nice
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: go ahead \o/ but keep it PG, he's 12
Maim/Murder/Death: half his screentime is spent bleeding all over the place, but talk to me first just in case

Cooking: he can put spells on food, but that's it. cooking is for frogs to do.


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