who's in charge of this thing anyhow?

Jun 14, 2006 11:22

Right. New rules. I'm posting every Wednesday morning whether I have something brilliant to say or not. Otherwise the situation is just going to get ridiculous. I've started writing dozens of posts over the past couple weeks, but stopped before finishing or posting them because they didn't seem interesting enough. As if I've got some incredibly impressive track record of making pithy, profound posts to live up to. Heee.

So this is the plan. I'll post something every Wednesday. And if I don't, you each individually have permission to kick my ass. Spam me with naked pictures of Newt Gingrich. Call me up and play Kenny G at me at high volumes. What EVER it takes. Next week I'll be in Boston, so moireach and annakovsky can administer the ass kicking in person if I fail to keep this up for even one whole week.

I won't try to sum up everything I've been doing/thinking since I last managed to make a post, but here are the highlights:

1. I turned 31. So far, it's pretty damn awesome. My birthday present to myself was a gym membership and a commitment to go work out every single day. Which I have been doing. Best birthday present EVER. I feel FANTASTIC. In 14 days, I've gone from barely managing to run 1.5 miles in on the treadmill to managing a 5K run in 27 minutes! Still not exactly a landspeed record, but I can actually feel my muscles again and the thought of getting into a bathing suit is only mildly horrifying.

2. I'm going to Nijmegen in late August. I got a paper accepted at a conference. Wheee! I haven't been to continental Europe since 2001 (pre Euro). I'll definitely spend at least a few days in London as well, and I'm thinking about going to Baku to visit my mum. I think it's always a good idea to start a new job by taking several weeks holiday. :-)

3. I love google's new Calendar app. My mum and I have it set up to see each other's events. It's so cool to actually have a sense what she's up to day to day.

4. I'm also very much loving the .jar that lets you download tunes from your pandora stations. It's like being in junior high and taping cool music off the college radio station, only much slicker. Pandora is fabulous in general, this just makes it even better.

5. I've got 6 weeks and 1 day left in Michigan (minus the 8 days I'm in Boston and Montreal). The closer I get to leaving, the more I'm feeling real affection for this place. I hated it for ages, but I've actually finally gotten to the point where I have friends and favourite hang outs and quite a comfy little life. Just in time to leave it all behind. Sigh.

But minor move related moping aside, the upshot of it all is that life is really, really awesome right now. Work is great, home is great, the weather is great, the future looks even better, and I've got strawberry-rhubarb upside down cake in my fridge. :-)

As the action man says "I'm happy, hope you're happy too".

strawberries, travel, random, me mum, joy

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