- aveda's shampure conditioner: I have never been the kind of person to indulge in posh, salon hair products when $3 drug store brands will do (bath products, yes, but not hair). But I was having one of the days last week where I needed to buy something, it didn't matter what. And I wandered into the Aveda salon. And they had little sample bottles for a couple dollars and OMG it's the best smelling stuff in the entire universe. And the smell lingers on my hair all day and I am surrounded by this cloud of wonderfulness and ILOVEITSOMUCH!
- The Dialect Survey of the UK/aka an episode of Doctor Who: there are many, many reasons to be completely in love with Doctor Who, but one of my current favourites is the wonderful mishmash of accents and colloquial expressions every character has. I often find myself having to go back and watch scenes over because I've gotten so wrapped up in the joy of Billie Piper's labialized fricatives, or David Tennant's diphthongs that I haven't been paying any attention to the story. Add in the voices of Russell T Davies and all the crew on the Confidential episodes and I'm a little melty puddle of linguist-goo.
- refried bean quesadillas as made by a little restaurant round the corner from my office. I had them to eat three lunches in a row last week and I expect I'll be back today. Cheesy beans! Mmmmmmm.
- The Invisible Circus. A completely whackadoo little movie from 2001 starring Christopher Eccleston, Christopher Eccleston's extremely horrifying Geddy Lee wig (seriously - the worst hair piece in the history of the world), Cameron Diaz and Jordana Brewster. It's completely improbable, bizarrely cast, and the story is utterly daft and badly screenwritten. But there's something strangely compelling about it all the same. I sent it back to Netflix immediately after watching it, but I think I need to get it back and watch it again. Watching CE making out with Jordana frickin Brewster is so creepy and wrong it's actually kind of hot. Or is that just me?
And in other news. It's
saussy's birthday today! Hooray! Hooray! Half day for everyone! *declares international holiday of saussiness*