(no subject)

Mar 08, 2006 11:28

Happy Birthday, Bear! In honour of this very special day, I baked you a cake. And then for breakfast I ate a very big slice. With coffee and pomegranate juice. It was delicious. If you have nothing else to do today, it's only 6 hours from your house to mine. Head west to Toledo, north on the 23, west again on the 96 and you're more or less there. :-) It's very, very nice cake.

In less thrilling news, I am trying to use the poll feature to do some basic research. There *has* to be a way to skip the frontend interface and just paste the code in directly. It seemed like it would be trivially easy, but when I pasted 20 or so iterations of:
"<" lj-pq type='radio' ">"
bloke -- bleak
Into the poll creator, it didn't work to generate new questions. (minus the quotes, obviously - i just don't know how to get "<"s to show up otherwise)

Anyone have any expert advice on polls?

work, birfday, yummy

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