end? end? is that you? just over there?

Nov 29, 2005 13:19

The Montreal app is done. Now the fun part where I wait for months and months begins. w00t!

Still have to find clever ways of saying just how very, very keen and qualified and generally stupendous I am for the Kansas & UNC jobs, but I'm taking a brief break from that to read my flist. Call it a mental health moment. I'm sure you're all being very amusing and inspiring and I'm missing it all.

Also, I have made an important decision. I'm going to finally watch an episode (or two or three) of The X-Files. I completely missed this show. It started the fall I left home and by the time I had a TV again (2001) it was a little late to start watching (and I understand it was pretty crap by that point anyway). I actually saw one episode, in a bar, in, I think, 1996. Mulder was on a train (literally - he was running along the top of it, if I remember right). I've added S1 to my Netflix queue. Stay tuned. :-)

Also: I went to see GoF again last night and it still didn't have any Veelas in it! *grumps* Although Rupert Grint was even more adorable than the first time.

jobs, faffing about, hp

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