it just occurred to me that I can actually post today, instead of just thinking about it

Nov 22, 2005 12:36

I mentally compose posts all the time, I just never have time to sit down and write them out, much less the time it would take to reply to comments.
But today is just slightly less hectic than usual, which means I *do* have a few minutes to spare.

I've managed to keep up with some of your posts thanks to the google desktop sidebar (I've set the web clips feature to treat many of your ljs as rss feeds) - but I haven't actually opened my flist in ages. Sorry if I've missed anything important.

Some current events in twatville?

  1. My new DVD player just arrived. My old one died last week and I was whinging about it to swmbo, as you do, and superstar that she is, she sussed out in about 5 minutes exactly what new player I should buy, and where I could get the best price online. I ordered it last Wednesday, it arrived just this morning and HURRAH! HURRAH for Swmbo, who knows everything.

  2. I'm swamped by the amount of travel I have to plan for the next two months. Between now and Feb. 1st, I am
    1. flying to LA with my mum, renting a car for 8 or 9 days, and driving around Baja California (Dec 21-31st)
    2. flying to Albuquerque, NM for a conference (Jan 5-8)
    3. flying to Boston for a brief meeting (Jan 15)
    4. and probably flying to New York for another meeting (Jan 28)
    All of this requires planning and research and arranging dog and cat care and packing and unpacking and...
    *collapses in anticipation*

  3. I've been using for a few months and I love it. So far I've mainly been using it to save links that are useful for my research and my job hunt, but I've finally started to add all my h/d longfic links. If I can stay focused, all 100+ should be up in a few days. It's been fun so far to see who else has bookmarked the same fics I have

  4. And speaking of HP, I'm still reeling a little from GoF. In a good way, mostly. But I had to sit in the third row back in an IMAX theatre. So about 50% of the movie occurred outside my peripheral vision and it took me several minutes to be able to stand without fainting when it was over. I did manage to see enough to totally embarrass myself and royally annoy the too-cool-for-school teenage girl sitting next to me (I don't know if it was my bouncing and hand-clapping, or my not so soto-voce 'oh Harry's that pissed her off the most). :-)

I'm sure there were other things, but I'd much rather hear your news that faff on any longer about my own.

Happy Tuesday, eljay.

swmbo, travel, random, dorkishness, hp

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