
Jun 20, 2005 08:39

My mum was offered the job in Baku!!!! Hurrah! It looks like such a great school. And thanks to ros_fod & freedomfry all my anxieties about the safety of Azerbaijan have been calmed. Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm so happy for her. She's been so stressed out not knowing where she's be going next. And Baku is 3 times zones closer than Beijing. We'll actually be able to talk to each other on the same date. :-)

Now the fun part, of figuring out the best way to get there for a visit, begins.

Other things making me annoyingly chipper on a Monday morning:
1. I had another fabulous run this morning. 11 mins for 3K wasn't a fluke. I did it again. Damn! That's faster than I think I've ever been. Now we need to find out if I can sustain the pace over longer distances.

2. I saw Rose last night. One of the truly fabulous things about living in mid Michigan is that our proximity to Canada means we get CBC Windsor on basic cable. And the CBC has started broadcasting Dr. Who. I didn't download when all the rest of you did because my hard drive is too near capacity. But now it's on my Tee Vee! Wheee! I'm totally in love with it already.

3. For a lark, I decided to click through on the very first fic link that popped up on my flist when I hit refresh around 11pm last night. And thus I found peter_and_fran. I know, I know, some of you have been pimping this for months. But I'm slow sometimes. OMG! This is unbelievably funny and darling. The premise is that the lotr actors, rather than appearing in the Rings movies, were in a band together, called 'Peter and Fran'. The main story being told in this project is what happens when Viggo tries to get the band back together again after several years. It's so, so, so wonderful. I had to stop reading when I came across the notes Dom and Billy scribbled on the program for Orli's dreadful play because I was laughing so hard I nearly hurt myself.

I hope you've all found things to smile about this morning too.

things that rawk, lotrips, travel, running, me mum

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