
Jun 14, 2005 08:41

I'm in the best mood this morning. Life is just *good*, you know?

* I had a fantastic run this morning. It's getting better and better everyday. I'm running a little longer and a little faster everyday. :-)
* kraken_wakes posted the final part in her utterly delightful Billy/Dom = Aziraphael/Crowley fic And On The Seventh Day If you can read this without grinning, congratulations, you're a curmudgeon of the first order. Seriously, this is clever and tremendously witty and darling and very deftly handled.
* I've got my gum boots on and am about to hop on my bike to head out for my second morning of working in the community garden. Whee. I can't wait to see what's grown since Thursday.
* It's about 10 degrees cooler today than it's been for the past week. *I* love the heat, but the dogs will really appreciate the more moderate temps.

Gum Boots! Heeeeee!

things that rawk, lotrips, recs, running

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