I'm not deaf, I'm ignoring you

Nov 25, 2005 00:18

No, not really. I've just been sucked into the ridiculous world of newspapers more completely than I foresaw. I've been able to juggle my duties as news editor with my freelancing for the National Post, and generally this has left me too tired to do more than curl up and fall asleep at the earliest possible hour. Writing more is sometimes most unappealing. But really, I've quite enjoyed myself these past few weeks. I have always found that working hard is particularly satisfying, and journalism reinforces that. I can honestly say that I use my head every day, and I feel lucky for that chance. Plus, there's a certain camaraderie in a newsroom, even a campus newsroom, that makes things companionable and quite fun most of the time. There are politics, to be sure, and I've never been much good with that, but I'm learning. I've never been in a real position of responsibility when it comes to journalism, and it's gratifying to feel like I'm not dropping the ball. My stint at the Ryersonian ends on Wednesday when our last issue comes out. Then it's a month of... NOTHING! Unreal, folks. Well, I'll probably wind up filling it, as I do need to work. Hopefully, the month will also include some job interviews, and I have put out some applications to dailies around Toronto. We'll see, I guess.

Otherwise, my life has recently been consumed by flu and a bizarre drama in Corey's family. His maternal grandfather died recently. No loss; the guy was an abusive alcoholic fuck who took up far too much valuable oxygen in his 80 years of life... But he died leaving things in something of a state. His wife had predeceased him by a few months, so he has no executor. He willed his assets to his son and daughter. His daughter, of course, is Corey's mom, and is dead herself. This means that the inheritance falls to Corey and his sister and will be shared with their uncle. Only trouble is that the uncle went missing from his apartment building shortly before the beginning of the month, hasn't paid his November rent (most out of character, apparently), and hasn't been heard from at all. The guy apparently went missing before about 8 years ago and has been prone to suicide attempts. We only heard about all this stuff this week, and even though Corey hasn't seen his uncle in 20 years, he filed a missing persons report this afternoon. Meanwhile, Corey's dad and sister are fighting continually over the way to handle this situation, dragging their partners into the fray. This places Corey and I squarely in the middle. The view from here is very familiar! Who knows how this will all shake out, but it's stressful on Corey, who in all likelihood will wind up being appointed executor for this mamoth task. Too bad he still hates his job, too. But he has amazed me lately with his cheerfulness and determination to make the best of everything. Whenever we've been able to scrape some time together from my ridiculous schedule, we've had a wonderful time. Last weekend was particularly perfect, capped by a night of watching L.A. Confidential and then spending over half the night chatting like kids at a slumber party. What would I do if I couldn't enjoy endless conversation with my partner?

Speaking of L.A. Confidential, satanicharisma's long ago recommendation has been proved right, as I loved it. I know, I'm seriously behind the times. I'm now reading the novel. Oh Ellroy, you fucked up little fuck. :)

And the aforementioned flu is putting a stop to this entry. I will make a neocitran and crash, enjoying the weight of my blankets while the snow pelts my window.

Happy now, subliminaldecay? :) Bonne Nuit!

P.S. From one musician to another, my condolences to lousy_lout on the theft of his guitar! I'm sorry, Adriano. I hope you get another one soon!
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