Oct 18, 2005 09:07
So I stumble out of bed this morning after a long sleep that left me surprisingly poorly rested. I feed the dog in a trance, somehow pour orange juice without wearing it, and prepare for one of my favourite daily routines, the excessively long hot shower. One of the many perks of this apartment building is that hot water is always in ample supply. Some times of day are better than others, and indeed sometimes the water for washing dishes isn't as scalding as I usually like to see it, but showers have never posed a problem. So I adjust the taps and confidently dive under the spray. No breast reduction could have been more effective! Absolutely no hot water to be found!
But today I was feeling resilient. Rather than swearing like a sailor, giving up the ghost and crawling back under my fluffy comforter, I decided to make better use of my time by actually seeing this one through to the end. So I crank off the cold tap and settle under a shower that would have been the perfect temperature if it was a dip in the lake on a scorching summer day. I was a model of industry in there, let me tell you! As I shampooed my hair and cleansed my face at record speed, I found myself praising my forethought on matters such as closing the window of my bedroom before I went in. By the time I had rinced the conditioner from my hair, I was on the verge of composing an ode on the towel I'd chosen reflecting on such merits as its size and fluffiness.
But now it's all to the good! I'm here in my ankle length bathrobe with cool hair on my neck feeling more chipper than what is considered healthy for me in the A.M. I have done my good turn for the day by advising Corey to postpone his ablutions for half an hour. And the shower has stiffened my spine for the doctor's appointment I'm going to in a couple of hours where I will undoubtedly be lectured afresh on my weight and subjected to indignities unique to the female annual physical. :)
The moral of the story is that I'd make a really shitty penguin.