May 19, 2006 10:40
I cant hold still anymore. Its pretty ridiculous if your asking me. I spend all my free time at school in extra help with Mr. Bomieo. I still never went to get a year book. I am going to fail out of high school. The boy I've had a huge thing for since forever likes me. And basically I could care less. Because yesterday he waited for me until my mom came to pick me up. And he looked into my eyes and asked me why I hated him so much. And the second the words left his mouth my heart broke in two. There is so much more for him then me. But he doesn't seem to understand that. And I just don’t understand him anymore. Everyone cares so much about their grades. I don’t give a fuck to tell you the truth. My summers going to sucks anyway. I have two jobs and tennis three days a week. Then there's going to be my dad's monthly fuck-up and summer will be over before I know it. I'll be back in school (hopefully mondon) as a sophomore taking 2 of freshman classes over and no electives. I lied about not caring about the boy liking me. It made me feel incredible. Cause he's amazing. And I think he's better for me then… well I just do.
I love these rainy days, but it's making the flowers look so upset.