Mar 06, 2007 23:36
Well, it looks like Sean and I are going to wait until the end of April to move out. We would be able to move out at the beginning of April but, things would be tight and that is the exact thing we were trying to avoid when we moved in with Marie. So, hopefully the Lord has something else in mind that's nice too. I'm sure he does. Still excited though. We are paying off bills and that is always a good feeling. Because then it means when we do move that things will be just that much easier for us. Once I knew that we weren't going to be able to move I just kind of excepted it. And I'm cool with it. I have to be. I'm thankful for the things in my life and for my life. ALL of it. So, I will still remain excited about the future and about getting a new apartment.
I'm thankful for all of my blessings!