Mar 13, 2005 21:50
why am i using this livejournal? I really dont know how to use it. It took me around 10 minutes to find the "update" key. owell. maybe i will just copy and past into xanga so i dont have to type twice. well i havent updated for a long time. I dont feel like relating all my adventures from october to now, so you can just read the xanga: [nadador] if you want. lets see...last week was the orchestra trip to ellensburg. kinda boring, but it was better than school i guess but the worst part was that we left at 6:30 AM and got back 9:30 PM. and I finnally got my music for the all state orchestra on monday, but because of the field trip i didnt practice it until tuesday. I only play in one song, Gateways by daniel asia. also called fanfare for cinncinatti. I had to listen to the recording about 10 times before i could actually follow my music because the time signatures keep swithcing and its hard to keep up. well the music is a little difficult, especially since i have about 5 days to get it right. but mostly i just play clusters because i play along with the percussion so its ok if i play wrong notes because its just a jumbled together anyways. Well, thursday rolls around and i am totoally sucking at my music and its the first day of rehearsals at mcknight middle school YAY my favorite hall of memories in the whole wide world. 6-9:30 PM spent on rehearsing. we play gateways by asia, sypmphony #-something by gustav mahler and russian sailors dance by gleir...i hope i got the names right. well i only play the piano in one song (gateways) and for the other ones i get to sit there like a bum. well no, i grabbed a chair so i dont have to sit at the piano bench.
well, friday i missed school for rehearsals from 9:30 AM- 6:30 PM so yah we need a lot of time.
the weirdest thing was that i got stuck with the bass drum part...apparantley we dont have enough percussion players so they stick the pianist with percussion. wow. i have never played the bass drum before but owell. my newly-befriended friend andy from bainbridge helped me out. i guess i can add 'bass drum' to my repertoire of instruments now. too bad i dont do anything for the mahler piece, becuase that is about 20 minutes long . and thats the piece that we rehears the most on. so thats when i grab my homework. oh there was also sectionals, and they dont care about percussion/piano so we just hung out and played cards and explained to the conductor that we were practicing hand agility and hand speed and hand/eye coordination. there was a social event at night but i just went home and watched tv.
saturday more least i get to miss chinese school YES. so first thing...sectionals! yay! sectionals= cards for percussion section. and piano. but i guess i am part of percussion because i play bass drum now. anyways, after sectionals we rehearsed a little..then we got to the mahler piece and i went out and played cards with my fellow percussion player david because he supposedsly wasnt playing in that piece. i think i played more cards that day that actually rehearsal time. but then david found out he was the second timpani (yes, second timpani) part for the mahler. so im by myself agian boo hoo. i wanted to listen to my zen, but i put the headphones in my ears and discovered i cannot listen to the killers while cymbals are crashing next to my ear. so i just sat there. and did thursdays chem homework. and found out that i dont know how to do the math. aww. later that night there was a concert at hazen..featuring the bottom line duo. its a duet cello and bass. i remember they came to our orch. class in 8th grade and they are pretty cool. but i skipped the concert because i can and went home. i watched spongebob the movie agian. its so funny. i think i noticed a new sexual/homosexual subtlety but i am at a blank right now...
well sunday my stuff ready for the all state concert. went to the silver cloud hotel to meet up with teh orchestra. bus ride. to tacoma. while on the road, it started to smell like poop and then i realized that it smells like tacoma.we performed at university of puget sound. we did pretty good. all state choir was also good. all state band...was a little on the boring side. maybe i just have no taste in music? or bad taste? and i didnt get to use the grand piano even though there was one there. but no. i had to roll the other sucky and really heavy piano across the floor to the right spot. owell.
well this all state experience was really great and defininitly better than i thought. it was so fun. i made 5 new best buddies. 4 I probably wont see ever agian. I learned that percussion players can be pretty cool. I will miss those absolutly-gourmet-style-delicious sack lunches that we had everyday. and the great-delicious-gourmet school cafeteria dinners. mmmmm very appetizing. at least on friday i didnt have to eat that gray stuff wait it was chicken. because i just went home and ate dinner. its nice living here so i can just go home instead of follow the schedule and live in a hotel. our conductor was funny. he was a really cool guy.
well at least tthis hectic and busy week is now over! maybe my schedule will shift back into normal mode soon. and i need to swim more and stay in shape, but not in a circle like aaron. well this past experience was a fun one, and the people i met and the experience itself will be unforgetable.
try to smile :)