[After the morning's strange phone call. Olivier decided to skip out on work and watch from the window of her house. It doesn't take long for her to see what is going on, and to be glad she stayed home.]
Phone // Locked to Edward
I'm sure you noticed by now that something like Father's dolls are running rampant around town. They aren't as aggressive
Read more... )
I am doing what I can to get a rifle. As soon as I have, I will report to the base to provide backup, ma'am
[Does she sound a teensy bit nervous? She's trying to figure out what to do about Mustang.]
And a sniper would be great protection for the base. I'll make sure to go on ammo runs for you.
Mustang, huh? You know, I went by the Horse household the other day, and didn't seem to be living there anymore. Did Mayfield move you?
I've seen you walk past the new house several times, Major General. No need to try being roundabout now.
Mayfield did move me.
[Forgive her chuckle, it is rather amusing.]
Is getting moved houses usual?
[Read: Don't press your luck. There is a distinct absence of laughter on the other side of the line.]
Not that I know of, but Mayfield seems to do whatever it wants on a whim.
[She's still chuckling...nothing is going to stop that.]
The rifle situation seems simple then, ask Mustang to acquire it for you.
It's a fifty-fifty shot. The droned nurses tend to do what I ask, but the physicians insist upon using whatever Mayfield.
[There's a pause.]
He's working on it.
[/all the teasing.]
Oh, of course. As soon as I start making nightly dinners after working a full day, we'll come over to the base as newlyweds.
[She can only take so much of her own minimal cooking skills.]
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