After I left Wesley sleeping or resting, who knows if that man would stay down, he's so bull headed, I headed back to my room. Joyce's old room. Willow and Tara's old room. I guess. It was just a room with a bed. I looked around and let out a sigh, I wasn't ready to sleep. I was actually a little afraid to sleep, but I wasn't about to admit that.
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"Xander!" I huffed out scared and slowly lowered the stake, my hand shaking slightly. "What the hell are you doing? Trying to get yourself killed wandering around this house with... me carrying a stake. You scared me!" I smacked him on the arm and tossed the stake into the weapons chest, sitting down shakily on the nearest armchair. This was out of hand, way out of hand.
"I was... I put Wesley to bed, he's hurt. I was coming down here to try to find a way to find Faith. Got any ideas?" I looked up at him, he was still pale as a ghost. "Xander, get a hold of yourself. You're not about to die at my hands anymore." I let out a sigh and let my head fall back on the back of the chair.
"While you were gone freako himself called me, Angelus." I sighed and closed my eyes. "Wesley got hurt, he's banged up and upstairs sleeping I presume, only one never knows with him he's so damned stubborn. I haven't the foggiest how to find Faith, she may have been eaten by freako and his even freakier dead girlfriend ex Slayer. And... where have you been?"
"Faith's fine she's...WHAT? Angelus was here? Are you alright?" I looked her over. Besides being shaken from my near death experience at her hand, she looked fine. "What did he say?"
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Faith's fine. A little beaten up but she's fine. She's here." I saw Cordy's face light up in surprise and reached out and put a hand on her arm. "She wants to be alone for a little bit, okay? She doesn't need a "we were worried" lecture, she just needs some time to get used to all of this."
"He wasn't here, he called. If he were here, would I be sitting here telling you about it? Probably not. I'd probably be lying dead upstairs in a bed with a sick little tribute to me like he did with Ms. Calender." I glanced at him as he told me Faith was in fact here, in this house upstairs. He then proceeded to tell me that she was a little beaten up and didn't need a we were worried lecture. "Yeah, okay whatever. In the mean time Wesley and I nearly got killed, but fine fine. I'll let her lick her wounds in private."
I got up from the sofa and moved to the large plate glass window in the room, glancing out and wondering if we were all going to die. That was always on my mind lately and with good reason. Buffy and Angelus were out there, waiting to kill us all and take over the world or something.
"Are you scared, Xander?" I asked quietly, still glancing out the window.
I sigh with relief when she says that she's going to let Faith have her space. I know Cordy has her own brand of affection and ways of showing concern, but most of the time it involves yelling at someone for how much they discomfort they put her in. Maybe she hasn't changed that much from high school after all.
I watch her move towards the window, fighting back the remark that it's probably not a good idea to be so visible. Her face remains blank as she looks out the window, obviously lost in thought and I decide at that moment that she has changed.
Am I scared? Does Sunnydale have a high death toll? Hell, yes, I'm scared. Though I'm not sure saying it would be the most comforting thing for Cordy.
I wait a minute before responding. "Yes," I say evenly. Cordy's always seen right through my lies. There's no use in trying to shield her from anything, she's right here in the middle of it. "I don't know what's going to happen." I look away from her towards the blank tv for a moment and then my gaze returns to her. "But then again, I never do. And things have always turned out alright before. I just have to keep thinking there's another miracle around the corner somewhere. I refuse to believe that this is it, you know?"
"It was always alright before because we had Buffy." I said quietly, looking back down at my cast. "Now she's ... she's a vampire and with Angelus, that's like insane-o times for the evil dead. Faith ... Faith is a Slayer yeah I get that, but she- everything in the past Xander. Who's to say she's changed? How do we know she's not going to go all psycho again and leave us high and dry? I mean I for one would love to put all my eggs in her basket, but ... I'm scared."
I felt myself start to fidget, and I knew if I didn't get up and do something I was likely to start crying. Crying in front of Xander, though slightly comforting, wasn't doable. I was tired of crying and being scared out of my mind, everyone was hurt and no one had a plan. The only plan seemed like we were all going to die. Dying didn't sound so wonderful. I was waiting for the PTBs to drop the motherload of a vision on me, telling me or showing me the way out. The light at the end of the tunnel, but they were never that easy. I still wished it would happen, and hoped like hell it would.
"Is she, is she alright? I mean did Buffy and Angelus get her or what? I found Wesley on the porch all banged up and he said Buffy had left him there. Where did she go? Back to what? Kick their asses or something?" I glanced at him wanting answers, Faith had to be okay. She was our only hope.
But this was Cordelia Chase, and no matter how much she might need something she wasn't going to admit it until she was ready. If I tried to hug her now I'd most likely find myself with a stake in the heart. I looked down at her cast and frowned, wishing there was someway I could make things better.
"I'm scared too, but I think...I think that if anyone can do something it's Faith. I'm not saying she's a saint, but she knows Buffy and Angel and she wants to save them. Otherwise she wouldn't be here. She's also got something to prove, and for once, that's not a bad thing." I sighed, and put a hand on Cordy's shoulder. "She didn't really go into details, except I know it was both of them and she's in a world of hurt. But she survived. She got away. And next time she won't be alone. I know things are wierd, I mean obviously you and Wes have your own connection going, and I've...well I've sort of been out of the picture for a while, but we have to stick together. They know us and our weaknesses, our only chance of surviving is sticking together and staying strong."
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