Oct 08, 2010 19:51
Holy hell you guys I just need to share with you this blend of spices I sort of stumbled on - pure happenstance! I wouldn't begin to imagine the influences on this one; I just felt that "this is going to work together", but stay with me. I rubbed this on my pork-chops tonight and tossed some in the oil in which I fried some squash, and BAM: completely blown away. You can easily increase or decrease the volume of this mix regardless of the measurement you decide to use; tablespoons, teaspoons, cups... So when I say 1, I mean a whole teaspoon, not an entire stick of cinnamon for instance - that would be disastrous - and one ½ is subsequently half a teaspoon. Also, all of these need to be ground, so get your mortar and pestle out if you can't find pre-powdered versions.
1 cumin
1 ginger
1 salt
1 ground black pepper
½ cinnamon
½ coriander
½ allspice
½ sichuan pepper
These are all things I have readily available in grand quantities in my spice cabinet, but I know others are less certain about using spice for flavour experimentation - and I can sometimes agree, who needs experimentation when there's sage? But I promise, having all of these spices at home allows you a very wide repertoire of heavenly Indian and African dishes, so it's worth the one-time splurge.
Oh, and while we're on the topic of spices, I'll share with you a shameful little secret of mine. Because of a laughable language mix-up, for the longest time I thought cayenne pepper and sichuan pepper was the same thing. Every time a recipe called for cayenne pepper, I would frown with confusion, but diligently whip out my sichuan pepper corns and bang them into powder. And truth told, insofar it's never been much of a problem. But a dish that calls for cayenne will taste differently if you actually season it with the correct spice. Just a little heads up. I feel like such a derp.