(no subject)

Apr 03, 2010 20:51

trying to keep my promise about updating more often. i feel like if i got back into the hang of writing more often and being able to see my thoughts written down, i would be able to get myself a bit more organised and motivated in my life! it sort of feels that for the past two plus years i've been saying that i'm going to get back in shape and lose weight, but somehow after a few weeks of being really good i just sort of stop. part of me feels like it's because i'm happy with the way that i am, which i am actually. i know i'm not a size zero six foot tall super model, but i'm quite happy with my curvy/hourglass shape and five foot one stance. it's just that eating rubbish makes me feel rubbish and tired and lazy. and then i look at myself in my clothing and see that it's tight and want it to not be tight and to look a bit better in it. so the cycle just starts all over again.
i remember when i lost all the weight the fist time and i feel like that had a lot to do with my commitment to writing everything down. i'd write down the food i ate and how much i drank and all the exercise i did and it worked. for months i wrote down everything and i lost loads of weight and it stayed off. everything time i start that again i lose weight but then i stop and i stay the same for awhile and then put it all back on. i feel like if i do everything the way i'd done it the first time that maybe it would work! so i'm going to start trying to write in this again more often, at least once a week to record my weight loss/gain. that way at least i feel that i'm holding myself responsible to someone, even if i don't know who is reading it.
so to start it all off....
currently my weight loss is zero and my weight gain is zero! exercise is planned for tomorrow and healthy eating to start again and stay on track!!! if you're reading, wish me luck!
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