Nov 15, 2006 19:23
So I facebooked Chris Brennan and found out hes married to some chick named Susanna... who bears a striking resemblance to Susanna Klimek, but her name is listed as Susanna Brennan, so I dont know. Chris is in the Marine Corps now and looks like hes doing really well... which is good because he was kind of a fuck up in high school.
Works been good. Mr. Cronan came in today looking at the Macbook Pro's right before I left. I miss him like woah... he was my favorite teacher in high school, next to Cavanaugh and Ford...
Ok chatting with Ash... it is Susanna Klimek. Awesome.
Interviewed for the Creative position at work yesterday. It went well. I hope I get it. I also bought a Mac Mini for my grandpa... hell pay me back. I rest at ease knowing that the last pc has finally been replaced in this house.
Anyways, peace.