(FIC) Furtive Gaze

Jan 31, 2009 17:04

Title: Furtive Gaze
Rating: NC-17
Characters: The Comedian & Mothman
Word Count: 421
Summary: The Comedian masturbates. Mothman watches.

The moment that Mothman peered through the crack in the bathroom door, he knew that he shouldn't stare. He knew he should turn and slip quietly away before the other man realized that he was there. And yet, Byron's mind refused to obey as he stood with one hand resting on the doorknob where it had frozen. Though his vantage point didn't give him a full view of what was occurring, Byron could see enough to have him wavering between embarrassment and flustered arousal.

The Comedian leaned against the wall, mask still in place and eyes shut, his head tilted upward. One hand was braced against the sink, but it was the motion of the other that caught Byron's attention as it worked Blake's flesh in a firm grip. Blake's pants hung low on his hips as he began to push up into the circle of his fingers. Lewis had no clue what scene was playing in Blake's mind when he wet his lips briefly with his tongue. Mothman's uniform began to feel more snug in certain areas when the groan Blake uttered reached his ears. Biting his lip, Byron's attention was split between the expression on the Comedian's face and the motion of his hand and hips working in concert.

Yellow fabric rustled to the floor as knuckles paled from the tightening grip Blake had on the sink. Byron loomed closer to the aperture in the door, drawn in by how the other man began to arch against the wall. The door creaked softly as he unwittingly pushed against it slightly, giving Byron a moment of horror. He didn't want to know what punishment Blake would dole out for catching him in a private moment like this. Lewis didn't have much to worry about, since the Comedian's attention was taken by the motion of his own hand stroking himself off the brink. A few more brisk jerks, and Blake's lips were parting to gasp as pearly fluid arced to spatter on the floor. Spent, he sagged against the wall, chest heaving and head turning to the side. Byron took this as his cue to slip away before those eyes could open to catch sight of him. He slid his hand from the knob, moving backward as silently as he could, his movements made more awkward by the state he was in. A state that Byron would need to attend to soon, hopefully out of sight and earshot and likely fueled by a replay of the scene he'd just witnessed.


watchmen:characters:mothman, watchmen, fan works:fan fiction, watchmen:characters:the comedian

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