I Will Take my own life!.
After going through with your own well thought out version of columbine you finally turn the gun on yourself... the thick coat of brains and coagulated blood was a bitch to get off the auditorium wall. You sure showed them!
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now! so judging this with my previous post.. i'm gonna self inflict myself with lung cancer... but i dont smoke... *blink*
*refuses to breathe in*
*looks at the current world's population* You must have a lot of frustration then.
What pisses you off? Created by
ptocheia too true!
first bike: it was purple.. i loved it so
first best friend: kelly
first real memory of something: my sister being born, walking to the hospital on goldhawk road
first car: i have no car
first screenname: can't remember
first self purchased album: :| y'know... i cant rememeber
first funeral: my nans
first pet: duke, collie dog
first president voted for: n/a
first piercing/tattoo: nose
first independent home: n/a
first house/falt/apartment: n/a
first love: british comedy
first enemy: stupid people
first big trip: BIG trip? to Australia in 2000
first sport played: netball. i hate that game
first musician you remember playing in your house: ????
last library book you checked out: it was a while ago..
last movie seen: at the cinema... The Actors
last cuss word uttered: hipocritical bastards
last beverage drank: cider
last food consumed: pizza
last phone call: me da
last tv show watched: eastenders.. *ouch*
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: my platforms
last cd played: Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia
last item bought: train ticket from Windsor to Richmond
last downloaded: La double vie de Veronique
last annoyance:
last disappointment: my lack of conversational skills
last pop drink drank: ice tea lemon
last thing written: lemon
last key used: enter
last words spoken: "i thought i heard jai squeal" to me dad like 4 hours ago.. online : "more like geese"
last sleep: before 10 this morning
last IM:
Dies iræ, dies illa, Solvet sæclum in favilla says:
more like geese
Is my timing that flawed? - Rosie says:
hehehe geese
last weird encounter: my dream a few nights ago
last ice cream eaten: mr whippy stuff
last time amused: today
last time wanting to die: blah
last time in love: now
last time hugged: today
last chair sat in: this one *points*
last lipstick used: lipgloss
last shirt worn: poet style lace up top thing
last time dancing: dancing? dont be silly :P
last web page visited: