Bananas are the poor man's fruit.

Aug 04, 2006 08:51

soo many things to write about... so lazy about writing them!!!

last week i went to Creation Fest with John and his friend Cory. SOOOOOO GOOOOOOD!!! God truly is amazing and it is awesomme to be filled and renewed. The presence of the Lord is like nothing else, and if you've never experienced it, I would highly recommend it! God isn't some far away guy growing a beard to exceptional lengths... He is here and wants us to know Him! I won't say that it's all fuzzy feelings because God's definitely more than that. He wants to challenge us! We may be uncomfortable with things that He tells us but I'll tell you that it's time to be uncomfortable! It may seem nice to be in a cozy little rut and becoming callous towards sin and blending nicely into this world, but we'll never grow. I want to grow and be a light and stand out!!! I wonder if people... even strangers could ever tell that I follow Jesus by how I act, dress, talk... I want people to see the hope in my life! I tell you... I could ask and pray to God for manythings, but in the end, I have already been given the best gift of all! I am the richest person for I have Christ in my life! It is neato fantastic fabuluper to have a relationship with God. I wouldn't trade that for anything.


hehe... ok now I must tell you about my grocery shopping experience in the states. I can't believe how BIG everything is there! My eyes were bugging out of my head i am sure and people must have thought I was a crazy woman as I ran around picking up giant bags of chips, cans of pop and beer that only come double the size, wraps bigger than my head and "snack size" bags the size of grocery bags and running to John saying "Look at this!" and laughing. Oh the laughter. hehe... Alcohol is also very cheap there. Like WHOA! cheap! Beer costs just as much as pop here!
The sad thing is that I've never seen such a small produce section; there was more alcohol than produce. Not only was there not much selection, but fruits and veggies are SO EXPENSIVE! and poor quality. I was highly disappointed. I saw the price of peppers at 99cents and got excited, but then realized that it was 99cents each. :(
The only decently priced item were bananas at 59cents a pound, slightly more than here but still reasonable. Bananas are the poor man's fruit.
America is a strange land.
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