Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie

Sep 25, 2023 10:18

Georg Simmel argue that fashion serves as a means of both identifying with and dissociating oneself from others. New styles of consumption are often developed by those just below the top rungs of the social ladder. They then trickle down the status hierarchies, becoming devalued and vulgarized in the process.

although philosophical and legal discourse has a certain autonomy, over time it is reshaped in the context of new socioeconomic relations.

As a reaction to the chaos of the 1990s, Putin brough economic liberalization under his personal control and significantly reined in Russia's oligarchs. As a result, the bourgeoisie today holds little political power.

We continuously produce and reproduce our own identities, through the lens of our current perspective.

Simmel wrote that fashion is an excellent means of achieving individuality and, at the same time, a group identity.

...after nearly seventy years of Soviet authoritarian and Stalinist totalitarian rule, Russia's population had no great tradition of civic participation to fall back on.

In the words of the historian Catriona Kelly, memory is dependent both upon what one is told one should experience, and what is fashionable at the time.

Masculinity does not exist as an isolated concept, but only in relation to femininity.

This uncertainty results in rich Russians' lack of trust in their state.

Even if they are part of its machinery, it is now the norm for them to establish a second life abroad, somewhere they can get to easily.

'destabilized Europe would make it easier for the Americans to extend their power and control over the whole continent'

Capitalism requires the naturalization of power and inequalities if both are to be widely accepted, not only by the lower classes also by the elites themselves.

Zussammengehoorigkeitsgefuhl (a feeling of belonging together)

(c) Elisabeth Schimpfössl - "Rich Russians: From Oligarchs to Bourgeoisie"

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