This is America, ain't it? Who the fuck's stoppin' ya?

Sep 24, 2010 09:03

Oh god. Please, please believe me when I say I did not type this long entry out all in one sitting. It was a week's process-a long proper week's process. I even documented my progress on Tumblr and Twitter multiple times. I have proof. I can show you the receipts. I also may have driven myself mad plenty of times while writing and cried blood but ( Read more... )

rubicon, mad men, brighter discontent, television, the vampire diaries, undercovers, boardwalk empire, geekdom, caprica

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boxedhearts September 24 2010, 17:48:52 UTC
I watch 90210, too! I just never talk about it because my flist does not seem too interested in it. Liam/Annie are my OTP as well but a lot of people seem to dislike Annie. Which I can sort of understand, but oh well!

I hope Teddy's new gay storyline is okay. Adrianna's lesbian/bisexual story was so horribly written. Teddy's new love interest is adorable, though!

Nikita was just plain ...boring. I wanted to like it but I was severely underwhelmed by it.

Mekia Cox was a fantastic recast even though it plays with the common colorism issues within the black community and Hollywood casting.
I'm confused by this. I thought the first girl looked bi-racial so that's why they recasted her with Mekia Fox? Or is that what you're talking about?

Bonnie haters get on my nerves, UGH. Why is it that Caroline and Katherine, when they do stuff, get called HBIC or "fierce", but when Bonnie does something she is just a plain 'ole bitch? Like when Caroline threw Damon across the floor, she was called awesome! And Bonnie burning poor old Damon? Yeah, fandom proceeded to call her every name in the book.

Sorry this is so long!


flowerings September 24 2010, 18:10:51 UTC
I AM ALSO PLEASED TO HEAR SOMEONE ELSE WATCHES 90210! I've only talked about it one only time outside ONTD because I don't know anyone else who watches it outside, like, my younger sister. God, I am seriously sweating over Teddy's storyline too. I didn't like Adrianna's story either. While there was some cute moments, it was just a mess overall. I guess it didn't help that it was also happening start of her music storyline. I hope they took what they learned from writing that and improve upon it with Teddy. IDK. I think this is the only time I'll be legitimately interested in the guy and that's solely because I don't want to see a train wreck.

I'm confused by this. I thought the first girl looked bi-racial so that's why they recasted her with Mekia Fox? Or is that what you're talking about?

I loved the Mekia Fox recasting-don't get me wrong-but I still find it annoying how darker black women and men are often regarded as supporting actors instead of primary. It's obviously not Gugu's fault for winning the role, I would never say it is, and I am very much proud of her American break but, ah, there's just an automatic preference for light-skin POC than darker ones. While I think Undercovers is an obvious step in the right direction, the world still has a long way to go regarding the acceptance POC actors regardless of what shade they are as leading actors. Does that make sense? I hope that makes sense.

LOL IF YOU GIVE ME ENOUGH TIME I COULD PROBABLY WRITE A FIVE PAGE ESSAY ON THE FAN HATRED OF BONNIE. It's part sexism. It's part racism. It's part 'my lord these are some stupid motherfuckers'. I am strangely passionate over this mess because it's totally not cool, fair, etc. Bonnie is the only in the cast that gets that vampires are a threat and shouldn't be taken lightly. I get that Caroline is her friend but she's allowed to have reservations over her vampire status. I get that people like Damon but FFS he killed Jeremy when Elena didn't accept his advances. He compelled Caroline repeatedly the first few episodes of the first season. BONNIE HAS THE RIGHT ATTITUDE REGARDING HIM. I love him but there's no reason to trust Damon really.


boxedhearts September 24 2010, 18:54:31 UTC
I have a feeling the Teddy/Ian story may not be good, but I could be wrong! I hope that I am.

Oh, yeah, I understand what you mean now. Gugu's skin complexion is lighter than, say, if Kerry Washington had gotten the role. Do you have any issues with a non-American actress playing the role?

Yes, Bonnie is the only one of the characters who does have the right attitude regarding Damon and his antics. Elena will probably forgive him in a few episodes which is utterly ridiculous. I agree, I think a lot of it is racism(and sexism) but whenever a person alludes to it, people are so quick to deny it. Which is in no way surprising.


flowerings September 24 2010, 19:12:06 UTC
You are probably right. I at least have Naomi and Liam/Annie to look forward to.

I am glad my explanation made sense. I am never great with judging how understanding my own writing is. I don't have any issues with that honestly. I think I would've only been annoyed if Gugu's American accent was terrible but it wasn't and I love her so I am very pleased she got the role. Right now, I can't even imagine who I would want to replace her as Samantha Bloom and I am usually good with alternative casting.

Yeah people aren't quick to realize their own gender or race bias towards things. It drives me mad when I try to argue from that prospective but someone has to do it. I am just please for right now Elena isn't bullshitting around Damon. Her speech about why they aren't friends because they are always trying to manipulate the other was spot on.


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