I'll always have troubles listing.

Apr 23, 2010 11:16

For the past two months, I've been working on the same Doctor Who picspam. You would think coming up with my five episodes would be a piece of cake, but my mind just refuses to list. I'll watch an episode then want to replace one episode with that one. Or I'll think "Maybe I don't like this episode as much as I believe I do." But finally-happily-I ( Read more... )

doctor who, picspams

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glitterati April 23 2010, 19:53:59 UTC
HOLY CRAP ARE YOU ME!?! These are pretty much my favorites, too, though I'd also have to add "Forest of the Dead/Silence in the Library" and, recently, "The Waters of Mars" (baawwww).

AND THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Martha Jones IS stunning and I'm sick of never feeling okay saying that to other Who fans because they examine me like I have something growing out of my head. She's a free bitch, baby.

It's so true: "Blink" is the ultimate stand-alone episode, though I've shown "The Waters of Mars" to non-Whovian friends and family and they love it as well without needing to know anything.

Thank you also for mentioning "Midnight". "Midnight" is the main reason I couldn't stand "Planet of the Dead". It seemed like a weak, bland, cheesy rip-off of "Midnight".

*flails over this picspam, wants to go watch about a million hours of Who now*


flowerings April 23 2010, 20:10:21 UTC
OH ANOTHER GREAT FAVORITE I FORGOT TO MENTION: "SILENCE IN THE LIBRARY"/"FOREST OF THE DEAD"! It's not very liked by most vocal fandom members but I loved it and River Song. I always sit down to watch when it appears on my DVR or something. I thought "Waters of Mars" was brilliant up until the end. I felt like Ten's self awareness came a bit too soon, and it would've been more smoother if we had one more special before the End of Time. IDK.

I liked "Planet of the Dead" for Lady Christina and her wonderful bangs, lol. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst.

I'm very pleased you like it.


glassbomb April 23 2010, 20:23:05 UTC
"Planet of the Dead" is awesome! At least in comparison to the other specials. And I loved Lady Christina so much, she was mad sexy and had the best hair. I kind of wanted her to stick around, though I am very glad now to have Amy.


flowerings April 23 2010, 20:32:31 UTC
Yeah, it was masterpiece compared to the rest of the specials. It was the last fun one before the onslaught of ANGST ANGST ANGST TIME LORD VAINGLORIOUS™ or whatever Ten was calling himself that week. I loved the bit where Lady Christina flew away with the double-decker. "We could've been brilliant together!" "But we were!"



glitterati April 23 2010, 23:37:50 UTC
"SitL/FotD" has TARDIS technology, it's like the one episode coupling I keep forgetting to make ashkta watch during her Who-ducation, even though it's so, so, so, so good. I can't wait for River to bust back up in the series with Matt Smith, which I can only hope will be epic.

I had a problem with the quickness of the end of WoM as well, gotta say, and I almost always cringe during those last five minutes. They easily could have taken a whole other special to play out those events, and though it would have been slow-going it would have been worth it for the payoff. But everything leading up there was so amazing I just can't not love that special to bits. Adelaide has got to be one of my favorite Whoverse characters.

Ahhh, Lady Christina. Admittedly, did enjoy her. And oh, god no, not the worst. DEFINITELY not the worst.

Hmmm. I'm bored, it's Friday. I sorta want to make a Friending Meme at ontd_muse. May I? I'll just be over here pretending to write otherwise.


flowerings April 24 2010, 00:27:15 UTC
Of course you can make a friending meme over at ONTD Muse! Sorry for replying so late. I've been getting ready for work, haha. I'll reply to the rest of your comment when I get home tonight.


glitterati April 24 2010, 00:32:00 UTC
Oh, crap, work on a Friday night. Hope it passes easily, dear. ♥


flowerings April 24 2010, 04:36:53 UTC
It did. I was only there for three hours so, before I knew it, I was able to go home. I did feel sorry for the two closers though. I hate being the person who leaves even though I came in much later.

BUT ANYWAY, I WILL ANSWER YOUR COMMENT PROPERLY NOW. The rush job of the last five minutes of WoM seem to be a common complaint because you are right. If we gotten another special to expand on the idea, it would've been absolutely brilliant. It was such a wasted opportunity, haha. I adore Adelaide. Though I automatically love a person who rightfully calls Ten out on his bullshit.

THE WORST HAS TO BE LOVE & MONSTERS OR DALEKS IN MANHATTAN. I do have a soft spot for Daleks in Manhattan though. I don't know why but I definitely do.


glitterati April 24 2010, 04:43:50 UTC
I know what you mean. Well, I used to. I actually work in a shop with just two other people now, so it's unlikely I'll know that feeling again until I move to a larger store. Hopefully I never will because I love my tiny little shop. Anyway, yay for short shifts.

Adelaide was so on point. The conversation with Ten in the airlock was phenomenal. RTD was able to squeeze out some pretty awesome writing with that one, only to pull his shit as usual at the end.

GOD DAMN IT DALEKS IN MANHATTAN. WHY DO YOU EXIST. And why did my ex and I have such a thing for that episode!?! (oh yes, because we wanted to visit New York City together. We bought an Empire State Building ornament for our Christmas tree that year just because I was like "look, Dalekanium! *snigger*" when we saw it at Target. Gag.)


flowerings April 24 2010, 04:49:05 UTC
Yeah I work for Gap part-time so I only average 3-4 hour per shift. It's nice since I'm not there for very long but there are times I'm like "Ehhhhhh, this is still employment."

Rusty is great at little awesome moments here and there, but he just cannot end things without being extremely ridiculous. Like I could bash him day and night but I can't because he writes emotions so well.

HAHAHAHAHAHA. IDK. DiM is seriously the worst thing I ever seen from the incorrect history to the horrible "New York" accents. But I can never skip it when I'm marathoning series three. It sucks me in.


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