I'll always have troubles listing.

Apr 23, 2010 11:16

For the past two months, I've been working on the same Doctor Who picspam. You would think coming up with my five episodes would be a piece of cake, but my mind just refuses to list. I'll watch an episode then want to replace one episode with that one. Or I'll think "Maybe I don't like this episode as much as I believe I do." But finally-happily-I ( Read more... )

doctor who, picspams

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fancyxthat April 23 2010, 19:46:07 UTC
Oh sweet Jesus, this is beautiful :')

I'm pretty sure the episodes you picked are the five I re-watch the most (except for maybe "The Empty Child" and "The Doctor Dances"; mostly because I couldn't watch series two after finishing series one for the longest time because Eccleston totally ruined me for anyone -- especially after those two episodes.)

Hah, I have guilty guilty love for "Sound of Drums".


flowerings April 23 2010, 20:03:00 UTC
Thank you!

OH GOD YES I LOVE "THE EMPTY CHILD"/"THE DOCTOR DANCES". I thought I mentioned it above in my text vomit, but I guess I didn't. I started watching Doctor Who in series five around two weeks after Rose aired, but my love turned into absolute stanning after I watched that two part. It was perfectly creepy and for once everyone lived!

There's really no reason why your love for TSoD should be guilty. It was a really brilliant episode but it over gets overlooked because of the ending of "The Last of the Time Lords". The acting was fantastic. The music was lush and filled with such emotion. Again, I stan for this episode. I won't deny it.


fancyxthat April 23 2010, 20:14:09 UTC
I might have missed it; I have serious reading comprehension fail.

It really is an amazing episode, but I went into it knowing I would love it (my friend was already a Who fan, and I was seriously just dying to get through series two so I could watch TSoD.) I don't even hate TLotTL all that much; I mean, I know it's a really mediocre episode (especially for a finale!), but it's so stupidly fun to watch.


flowerings April 23 2010, 20:26:07 UTC
No, no! It was actually my fault. I did leave out TEC/TDD. I'm such a horrible fan. :o

ARE YOU ME? I recently watched Doctor Who with a new fan a month ago, and we pretty much watched series two on fastfoward because I wanted to get to the second half of series three, due to "Human Nature"/"Family of Blood", "Blink" and especially "The Sound of Drums". I don't hate "The Last of the Time Lords" either but I do think it was a wasted effort. IDK. It's one of thos things you can love but then "eh" at the same time.


fancyxthat April 23 2010, 20:46:03 UTC
LOL, oh man, when I did my re-watch after EoT, I had to stream the episodes. And the stream kept lagging on TLotTL, so I basically watched the first 8 minutes at least 20 times. But that's the best part of the episode, so it wasn't such a huge loss ;D


flowerings April 23 2010, 20:52:57 UTC
The first eight minutes are pretty much ... I can't describe how much I loved it.

... )


fancyxthat April 23 2010, 21:01:02 UTC
I swear, after watching that episode for the first time, I tried to slide like him EVERYWHERE. And I just ended up falling flat on my ass every time.


flowerings April 23 2010, 21:07:41 UTC
Is it the floor. Is it the shows? I can't figure it out either. We'll nail it one day.


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