Be kind. Rewind.

Jul 05, 2008 23:23

I just finished Doctor Who, and I feel like a babbling idiot. I should not be crying this hard, yet I am. I should not be this emotionally entangled in a family fucking television program, yet I am. It such a foolish thing; it's so hard to admit. Russell T Davies made me cry and I know why. I don't want to know why.

:'( )

tv: timey wimey stuff

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haruhiism July 7 2008, 01:50:18 UTC
It feels horrible for me to think like this but...

I wish she had died, rather than lived on forgetting about the doctor. It seems so, so much crueler this way. FUCK, now I'm crying again. I hate this. BAAAAAAAAAW. This was not how I wanted the season to end. I feel... in a way betrayed.

I hope she gets her memories back, somehow.

And yeah, the Ten clone thing was... really weird. At least when it got to leaving him with Rose. I started out liking Nine/Rose back when I first started watching Doctor Who and now the pairing completely squicks me.

Man, I was going to write a post on this but you've said everything and no one else on my flist watches Doctor Who. WTF. I need more Doctor Who fandom friends.


seishin July 7 2008, 02:09:57 UTC
Wait, so Clone!Ten is actually Nine??? In a clone of Ten's body????? (Im still catching up on New Who and only on S2)

*very confused*


haruhiism July 7 2008, 02:20:52 UTC
Ack, no! I was just saying that I liked the pairing of Doctor/Rose back when Nine was still around, but not anymore...

But HAHA, now that would be strange. No, it's Ten. You should probably catch up first before you get way overly confused XD


seishin July 7 2008, 03:18:00 UTC

I have zero will power when it comes to spoilers; so unfortunately Im very used to the dull headache reading ahead on the current episodes inflicts on my poor noggin. XD At least now with the big break in between I can finally get fully caught up.

I liked the platonic aspect of Nine/ seemed like a great father/daughter relationship. Any implied romance there is just squick worthy.


haruhiism July 7 2008, 04:22:23 UTC
...Get prepared to be squicked, then.


seishin July 7 2008, 13:19:14 UTC
With Ten/Rose? may be a bit hypocritical, but I kind of like them so far. Maybe its because the perceived age difference isnt as big with Ten as it was with Nine. But having an idea of what happens later on and all that, who knows what'll happen, right? I'll just enjoy the ride. XD


flowerings July 7 2008, 04:04:58 UTC
No, no. I wish she would have died too. I feel so totally bad for her because she grew so much with the Doctor.

I really really really hated the clone. Unless, he was talking to Donna in the TARDIS. That was funny. :) :)


haruhiism July 7 2008, 04:20:19 UTC
Exactly! It just hurts so much for all of that to be just gone now.

I'm hoping I think she'll be back though... honestly, before she met the doctor she wasn't dumb, just unsure of what to do with her life, so I really don't think she'd just going to ignore all the discrepancies in her memory that are sure to turn up. I mean, what happens if someone she knows asks where she's been all this time? Her mind may try to falsify a memory to fill in the gap, but that's really not going to last long. There are likely other little clues left behind by the doctor that could help bring her memory back, too. I HAVE HOPE.

Well, yes before the whole 'giving him to Rose' WTF thing he was cool. And the way he kept talking like Donna was HILARIOUS.

I tried to draw Donna and the Doctor together to make me feel better. It kind of worked. :/


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