Oct 31, 2010 23:29
... In case the parade of animalified characters didn't give away the fact that something was up:
I'm moving!
(Also oh god kill me now before the stress does, but. Shhh.)
As I'm going to be pretty much toootally without internet until Tuesday evening (assuming MTS is excellent and does their job correctly and I get on that evening which isn't 100% certain…) and, as this is my first chance since I joined the game to do this, I am seizing my chance to animalify all my kids for all of most of two days. And Genesis. Mustn't forget him.
Modding rights go to the roomies--Zack, Warren, Scully. Genesis is one pissed off cat stalking around The Boards and his apartment. Arrangements have been made for rehearsal to go up if I'm not back on Wednesday but I'm hoping I am.
Wheeeeee moving!
animalification is a word,
...just likes the icon,