i adore everything about
this song. i did not like her at all when i listened to her about a year ago, but when i downloaded her album a second time i strangely loved it completely and immediately.
i am terribly in love with demetri martin, in as much as one can be in love with a person they have never met or interacted with, and know only through the persona they display in public. so i guess it would be better to say, i am terribly fond of the person demetri martin is and pretends to be on stage, which may or may not resemble how he is in daily life, and in all probability is quite distant from his real life persona, as most comedians plan and practice repetitively their performance before appearing on stage. (it is entirely possible that if i really knew him, deeply, fully, as a person, i might hate him completely.)
i feel like, if i ever come to love a person, that is probably how i will say it: with some kind of disclaimer attached. "i love you so very much, but of course i think these feelings are based mostly upon neurotransmitters in the brain and whatever illusions i've created in my mind that make me think you're a really amazing person, when in reality you're probably pretty average and replaceable and no more special than anyone else. but the point is, for now, i love you, although human emotion is transient and those feelings could change at any moment, even through the most minor of events, all of which are entirely out our control." it's so romantic!!!!
i picked up several books at the library -- and i am waiting readily and with anticipation for the time when they will invent machines or mechanisms that carry one's very heavy library books for one, so one does not have to transport them all over the library and down a flight of stairs and to one's car outside (or, more inconveniently, one's bus stop) -- and two of them ("Anna Karenina" and "The Norton History of Mathematical Sciences"; the latter i am excited to read the most of all, but am leaving for last due to the length of it) i think are over 700 pages, and i do not know at all if i will be able to finish either before the due date. i try to read about two to three hours before bed and in between working, but i have also been spending some time on math problems since downloading a torrent filled with mathematics texts of all different levels. it is amazing how i have completely forgotten all of the math i learned in college after a mere passing of six months. it is also amazing that i can do a problem on a concept i know very well, and have to do it three different times, because i forgot to mark something as negative or i write an exponent as a coefficient or something else painfully stupid.
i read books from the 60s and 70s and i wonder why it is that even only fourty or fifty years ago, novels still sounded at least somewhat intelligent, and writing was poetic and fluid and required some amount of artistry. and now i look at popular, contemporary literature, where the most profound of writing consists of see spot run, and everything is incredibly boring and often lacking creativity, both in style and in story. and i'm not going to say that there aren't good writers out there -- there are, and i read some of their novels -- but is it really a wonder that children have such a difficulty reading and understanding the classics when they're reading books that even they could probably write, so long as they had a good enough editor? and i guess some people would say, "well at least they're reading," but is that really good enough? i mean, is it good enough just to be literate? should we all just lie down and keep quiet because hey, the books these days are poorly written and have a terrible message, but at least kids are reading -- at least they can read? there are so many amazing books and authors in this world that deserve real praise, real admiration, but in a few decades i think eventually children won't be able to understand novels that use "your" instead of "ur" and "to" instead of 2. but they're still reading!!! and i guess that's all that matters.
i wish it were not so very difficult for me to really, truly like a person -- at least, enough so that their company does not make me a little nauseated. i wish that men did not try to impress with a swaggering sort of self-confidence, with an air of ego and self-assuredness; inwardly, i am sighing -- not with ecstasy, but with pure exasperation. men of the world, as rare as you may feel the need, if you want to win my heart: be awkward and terribly unsure of yourself.