Cookie Law: if you're in Europe and host a website that uses cookies, you are required to tell your visitors that you're using cookies, let them know what those cookies are being used for, and get their consent before you can place cookies on their device.
The EU Cookie Legislation requires 4 actions from website owners who use cookies:
- When someone visits your website, you need to let them know that your site uses cookies.
- You need to provide detailed information regarding how that cookie data will be utilized.
- You need to provide visitors with some means of accepting or refusing the use of cookies in your site.
- If they refuse, you need to ensure that cookies will not be placed on their machine.
there's a great example from ICO, the UK's regulation body responsible for enforcing the Cookie Legislation. When you first access their website, the follow pop-up appears:
We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better.
You can use this tool to change your cookie settings. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue.
The pop up/header bar you use must have a place for users to consent or opt-out of cookies. If users ignore the warning, you can generally assume consent.
Ultimate Guide to EU Cookie Laws - Privacy Policies
If you run a website, it's a safe bet you use cookies. If you live in Europe and your site uses cookies, you may be breaking the law.
Cookies have become an essential part of our web browsing experience. They make