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Oct 15, 2011 14:49

NAME: Molly
AGE: 22
JOURNAL: uuuun
IM: AIM: VictrixBlues
RETURNING: Currently playing coldempress and tigerscub.

CHARACTER NAME: Koibuchi Kuranosuke
FANDOM: Kuragehime/Jellyfish Princess
CHRONOLOGY: Chapter 29 of the manga
ALTER EGO: Kuranosuke Koibuchi, absolutely fabulous crossdresser and wanna-be model.

Koibuchi Kuranosuke is an entirely normal college student. He lives with his father, step-mother and elder half-brother in Tokyo, and spends most of his free time ditching class, clubbing all night, and hanging out with pretty girls.

He's an entirely average guy. Except for the fact that his uncle is, in fact, Japan's prime minister, his father is an important member of the Diet, and the Koibuchi family is a prestigious political family. Kuranosuke's expected to join the family business, so to speak, after he graduates college, just like his older brother Shuu did.

But Kuranosuke doesn't want to follow in his family's footsteps. He just wants to have a good time and make his own future when he's good and ready, he doesn't want it set out for him. So, he crossdresses. Oh, he insists it's just a hobby, and that he only does it to make himself seem strange, to become an undesirable person in the eyes of the general public.

Kuranosuke continues living his carefree life for a long time, until one day he accidentally stumbles upon an interesting scene; a tragically unfashionable girl nervously arguing with the clerk of a fish store. She wants to save a fragile jellyfish from being killed by a tank mate; but the clerk doesn't want to help. So Kuranosuke barges in without thinking, and demands that he sell the jellyfish to them.

The girl turns out to be Kurashita Tsukimi, a shy, nerdy girl who is absolutely obsessed with jellyfish. She lives in an old-fashioned building with a handful of other otaku women. They call themselves Amars, or nuns, and they strive to live a life without a need for men. Males are even banned from entering their home base, Amamizu-kan.

Despite knowing he's male, Tsukimi reluctantly forms a friendship with him. The other girls dislike him at first (the Amars freeze up around cool, fashionable people like Kuranosuke), but eventually they warm up to him, and accept him as a benign annoyance.

Then, it's revealed that the Amar's home, Amamizu-kan, is set to be sold and demolished to make way for a fancy new hotel and shopping district. If their home is demolished, the Amars will have nowhere to go; they have no education, no skills, no jobs, no money; they just can't live in the real world. Kuranosuke doesn't want to see their home taken away from them, and the fact that they don't seem to be trying to do anything to save Amamizu-kan makes him angry.

So he decided for all the girls, that they'll buy Amamizu-kan. Of course, it'll cost a few hundred million dollars, but Kuranosuke is determined. His first few plans to raise the money don't exactly play out, but then he stumbles across a genius idea.

They'll design dresses. Using Tsukimi's obsessive love for jellyfish, Kuranosuke plans to have her design elegant jellyfish-inspired dresses. The other Amars will sew them, and Kuranosuke himself will model, and eventually be the brands executive producer.

He has big plans; after they've just made one dress, he imagines that someday the brand will be huge; they'll travel all over the world, and have shops on New York's 5th Avenue, in Paris, in Tokyo. They'll all be famous and fabulously rich. As it is, they have a long way to go. They only have a few dresses finished, and they're all obviously amateur. But Kuranosuke is passionate, and his enthusiasm for the project has swept up most of the other Amars. They're starting to become more confident, and believe that they'll be able to save their home.

Kuranosuke lives a care-free lifestyle, spending his father's money freely, often skipping class, and basically doing whatever he pleases. He spends most of his time in Shibuya and other fashionable districts, shopping, clubbing and otherwise having a great time with his stylish female friends. They often call on him for makeover tips. His typical stylish friends have started to bore him, though, which is why he suddenly attached himself to Tsukimi and the other Amars.

Outside Amamizu-kan, he takes no measures to disguise the fact that he is, in fact, 100% male despite cross-dressing. He usually refers to himself using the masculine pronoun 'ore', which causes some problems with the Sisterhood, requiring Tsukimi to cover for him so neither of them get in trouble. After all, the punishment for bringing a man into Amamizu-kan is death. So far, the rest of the girls have failed to notice that the pretty Stylish hanging out with them is, in fact, a male. Even after seeing him without a shirt on, the rest of the girls assume that miss 'Kurako' is just a flat-chested woman.

However, even though he insists that his crossdressing habit is fueled by nothing more than an interest in female fashion(with the added bonus of alienating his father), Kuranosuke may have other, hidden motives. He was extremely close to his mother when he was young, and lived with her separate from his father's family. When he was still young (possibly around ten, the canon is fairly unclear), he had to leave his mother to live with his father. He speculates that if he were born a woman, he would have been able to stay with his mother, who introduced him to the world of fashion. Possibly he believes that by crossdressing, he'll be sent back to her, or it's just a way for him to emulate the woman he admires most.

Kuranosuke is a great believer that every girl, no matter how frumpy, or nerdy, or strange, wants to be a princess deep down in their soul. He thinks each girl has a potential for beauty; it's just that some of them don't know how to bring it out. So, he likes giving girls a fantastic new look, transforming them into their 'After' selves(their 'Before' selves are obviously them, pre-makeover). He isn't out to change personalities, or make them into something they aren't...he just wants every woman to be beautiful. If people look good, they'll feel good about themselves; that's his philosophy. If the Amars look good, people will take them seriously, and they'll have more confidence in themselves; something they need if they're really going to buy Amamizu-kan.

Have I mentioned that Kuranosuke is a bit of a ladies' man? Because he so, so is. He's always been an attractive young man, and many of his female classmates agreed. Classmates...strangers, girls he's known about five minutes; he can attract them all effortlessly, and for a long time, he reveled in it. Until he realized that all the girls that surrounded him tended to fight with one another, tended to make things complicated..and he grew bored. He decided that girls, no matter how pretty or fashionable they are, weren't worth dating anymore. But even so, as he's working with Tsukimi, he begins feeling a growing attraction to her. Although he insists in his mind that he could never fall for a normally frumpy otaku girl, he often finds himself thinking she's cute, and once he nearly kisses her. But he won't let himself admit that his interest in Tsukimi is anything more than friendly.

Kuranosuke is a blunt person, and typically just states whatever he feels. He's bold, and often barges into other people's business without regard for their feelings. He doesn't often plan details; often he decides where he wants to be, and how to start; and he'll just work out the details as he goes. It doesn't matter if there are hiccups along the way, he's confident that if he sees something through to the end, it'll work out in his favor.

He can be a bit of a snob, especially regarding clothing, and has no problems telling someone how badly dressed they really are; but he'll be happy to lend them some nicer things at the same time. He's fairly unaware at just how much privileged he really has; he knows he's beautiful, of course (he's quite confident and a bit full of himself as well), but he seems not to notice or care how much money his family has. He may criticize the Amars for leeching off their parents, but in reality he's doing the exact same thing. There's just more money involved with Kuranosuke's leeching.

Overall, he's quite the friendly guy. He's outgoing; he likes meeting new people and doing new things...and he often finds himself drawn to unusual people, especially lately. Strange and new are good things; Kuranosuke hates to be bored.

Superspeed Hands: Kuranosuke's hands are both super fast, and super nimble.

Bag PURSE of Holding: Any purse that Kura holds will automatically become a PURSE OF HOLDING, capable of storing almost anything he needs it to.


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