(no subject)

Feb 15, 2008 09:07

just a few announcements:

whoever left a pizza pocket box in the middle of the hallway and left it there for a week must pick it up immediately!

steph's computer will not play CD's...i repeat...stephs computer will not play CD's

room #326 has been quarantined due to the fact that 2/3 people in it have been infected with the influenza virus. if anyone has any leads as to who started this terrible crime, kick them in the balls.

end of announcements.

chris and i are officially on a break right now. we decided that we needed it after coming back during winter break and realizing we became so distant. he noticed it in me and he was right. but i still love him and call him every so often to touch base. he is basically one of my best friends. i've never had a best friend who was a guy before but he understands me on a different level. but right now, i'm interested in someone who gave me chocolate on valentines day and took me to dinner and a movie....<3?

the reason i have so much time to speak to you right now is because i'm quarantine. yes that's right. i have the flu, or as my friends lovingly call it, the "black death". my roommate had the same symptoms so she went to the doctors and found out she does too! so we're resting this whole weekend and trying to get better. i know ill be better by at least monday, but just as a precaution we're not allowed to leave for classes or even to get food from the dining halls! we have to have someone get the food for us. its nice, but when you see the five bottles of pills we need to take...ugh! i dont really have an appetite and have been forcing myself to eat.

i'm not sure how to tell my mom since she knew i went out for valentines day. should i say "oh yeah i wasnt sure i had it until i woke up with achy bones and the urge to fall over."? i do NOT want to go home, nor do i intend on having her come up. i'm not getting her infected too, to bring home to my ailing dad who just had colon surgery.

leave me messages. call me. i love you all!
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