Love Is All Around

Oct 09, 2007 08:09

so college is getting harder.
i had three research paper topics, three music theory assignments, an essay to finish and two more assignments from music 119 to put in my portfolio.
i'm such a procrastinator. i'd rather hang around with my friends in Merrow than do homework. while they're clearly doing homework while i'm talking to them in their room or in the hallway. they're engineers for God's sake. they work 24/7 and they've already had almost four major exams. i'm so glad i'm not an engineering major.
speaking of majors, i really want to find out more about minoring in theater. i miss it so much. they have auditions for plays here but i havent gone to the past two (one of them being little women-a play i've wanted to see for years). i think its because subconsciously i dont feel good enough to be in them. i've been spoiled the last few years of high school getting the good parts because i'm older and i have more experience. but now that i'm in collge there's people from all parts of the music/theater department that could be ten times better than me.
i'm going to look into minoring, but in the meantime i have to work up the courage to try out for a play.

tuesdays are called "black tuesdays" because i have so much going on in them. i have math in the morning for almost two hours, then voice lessons 45 minutes later, work from 1-3 (half hour break in between) and marching band rehearsal for two hours before chorus for three hours.

ps...i hate chours. its called "university chorus". its the most generic chorus you'll ever go to. there's people from the community that joined this year so we have a little over 100 people in it. i'd rather be in concert choir because they sing more advanced music. its too late to audition for it though.
and i really want to take french next semester rather than italian. i'm so sick of italian. apparently you have to take two semesters of a lanugage. i'm trying to get transferred to french. i miss it way to much.

i went to king richard's fair this weekend! (a renaissance fair in mass.) it was so cool. i have pictures on my facebook so go see them.

homecoming is this weekend...for BHS and URI. i have to go to the pep rally on friday night cause i'm in pep band, but i wanted to go to the dance if someone invited me. i've always wanted to be invited by someone who wasnt my boyfriend.

alright so let my day of chaos begin.
wish me luck!

With each glance and every little movement you show it
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don’t you take it
you're gonna make it after all!
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