Jul 15, 2007 22:26
just got back from plymouth and p-town. loved it. a nice family vacation before the hectic days of college roll around.
i'm getting my wisdom teeth out whether i like it or not. and i'm not too happy about it. my consultation is tomorrow, and the guy that's doing it took my mother's wisdom teeth out when she was a teenager! i've never had surgery or anything so if they give me laughing gas i dont know how i'll react. i'm scared.
a year and nine months today.
it's also the official ice cream day!
i'm supposed to find out my room mates after the URI website is done being under construction. 12am on monday night or tuesday morning. *excited!*
oh rehersal i missed you.
"screw your courage to the sticking palce and we'll not fail"
-lady macbeth, Macbeth