(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 02:27

Hey Kids!
So what's really weird is the fact that I know that in less than a week. I'm leaving my home for the past 3 months and I might never return. I might never see the people that I met here ever again. Someone called me a pessimist for thinking like that, but based on past experience, you justvremember the good times and forget the bad every happened and know that you won't see these people especially if most of them have never left NZ. How are you going to make it halfway around the world and come find me? I mean that would be sweet as but the chances are slim. I have loved New Zealand. Some of the best things in the world have happened to me here. The experiences and people that I have found and met here are things I will never forget. It has been a truely memoriable experience. I have to start packing up all my shit now though. And based on what I have spread around my room at the moment...I dunno if it's going to fit in my original bags...shite!

Anyway, one more week left at the school and then I'm off the next day. I leave here at 4:30 PM on saturday afternoon and arrive in Birmingham at 10:30 PM the same day. Wow, that's wacky but cool! I know im a dork. But yeah, time to hit my disabled shower.....after I finish this quiz thing I found on my email account from 2 years ago:

1. What time is it? 3::35 PM
2. Name as appears on birth certificate:  Jennifer Young
3. Nickname: Jen-nay
4. Parents names: Steve and Cath
5. Single or taken: taken, but that's going to change
6. Birth date: May 22, 1987
7. Chinese zodiac (horse, pig, etc): rabbit
8. Hair color: reddish-brown
9. Eye color: blue
10. Height (last time you checked): 5'9 1/2
11. Shoe size: 9
12. Glasses or contacts?: both. Just one of the many ways of my imperfection.
14. Braces?: yup
15. Piercings/tattoo: ears
16. Birthplace: hell if i know the hospital, but pittsburgh, pa
17. Current residence: hoover
18. Siblings and ages: Laura 21

** HAVE YOU EVER...***
19. Gone skinny dipping?: yes,  week and a half ago
20. Been drunk?: uh huh- im in a country where i've been legal for 3 months....come on
21. Gotten high?: hell yes
22. Smoked a cigarette?:just a few
23. Skipped school?: yes
24. Bungee jumped?: yes!
25. Kissed someone related to you: My parents and siblings.
26. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: crazy shit happens where ever i go
27. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yeah
28. French kissed: yes
29. TP-ed someone's house?: while ago
30. Won something (contest, race, etc.)?: free burger at BK
31. Asked someone out?: nope
32. Been rejected?: Yeah
33. Been in love?: the real i want ot spend my life with you love? no.  but the in love of growing up and such (if that makes sense) yes
34. Been to a funeral?: Yeah  dont see how that fits in anywhere
35. Used a lighter?: yup
36. Been on stage?: yup

*** FAVORITE... ***
37. Food: oh god- too many to list
38. Ice cream flavor: chocolate chip
39. Drink: dr. pepper, mello yello
40. School subject: english
41. TV show(s): family guy, sex and the city, laguna beach
42. Breakfast cereals: lucky charms and honey nut cheerios
43. Flower: yellow roses with the pink tips or the peach colored roses
44. Number: any even number or number ending in 5
45. Book: Harry potter, LOTR, dark materials trilolgy
46. Movie: LOTR
47. Candy: gummie bears
48. Soda: all
49. Color: sky blue and lilac and pale green
50. Vacation spot: Bahamas, New Zealand
51. Sport to watch: Soccer
52. Sport to play: tennis
53. Musician:  dont have a fave
56. Cartoon character: stewie on family guy
58. Name for a boy: John, Michael, James, Christopher, Patrick( i liked this name when I was 10 for a boy- it has nothing to do with the one you are all familiar with- just to clarify)
59. Name for a girl: Savannah, Lillian, Jessica

*** DO YOU PREFER... ***
60. Chocolate or vanilla?:  depends on my mood
61. Boys or girls (not sexually, just who's company you prefer): guys, especially those that provide eye candy :) haha, but no, guys are just more fun to chill with
62. Summer or winter?: summer, i love heat
65. Silver or gold?:  silver, but there are times to wear gold as well
66. Croutons or bacon bits? bacon.

***Things That Come To Mind***
67. Doctor: Nurse
68. Hedgehog: Sonic
69. School: friends
71. Cow: chocolate
72.  Canada: nuclear waste
74. Hand: job- i think dirty come on now

75. Watched a movie?: yes
76. Talked on the phone: yes
77. Cried: no
78. Threw up? nope
79. Drank a glass of water: yup
80. Gone to the bathroom?: Yeah.
81. Read a book/magazine: Yeah.
82. Watched TV: yea
83. Looked in the mirror?: yea
84. Taken a shower?: no, im about to though
85. Taken a picture?: yuuuuuup
86. Listened to music?: Yeah...doin it now
87. Hugged/kissed someone?: uh huh :)
88. Done your hw? nope I don't have any! at least not till i get home!!!
89. Told someone you loved them?: Yeah

*** DO YOU BELIEVE IN... ***

90. Heaven?: Yeah.
91. Hell?: Yeah.
92. Aliens?: in some form yes
93. Fun for the entire family?: yea
96. Magic: Yeah, some types

97. Last movie you saw in theatres? Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
98. Are u listening to music now?: yup
99. What color shirt are you wearing?: not wearing one
100. Do you like your middle name?:  sure? theres not much there to like though....heh heh heh
101. What is the best thing since sliced bread?: quick fuck shots
102. What color is your backpack (for school)?: don't have one but it was blue and black.
103. Are you going to send this to your crush?: nope, not sending it to anyone
104. Who is your crush?: a guy that lives on the street and only wears a lioncloth and a purple blanket and has dreds. god he's sexy, i love men who haven't showered in years
105. What time is it now? 3:50 PM
106. How much time did you waste? bout 20 minutes
107. Waffles? mmmhmmmm
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