Feb 21, 2007 23:09
I am still in fact very clumsy. Tonight, I got out of the pool to help the rookies put in the cage since they were sucking at it, and ended up standing on a kickboard which was hanging partially over the edge of the pool. Kelly walks away to go hold some other part of the cage before I a) have my balance or b) have a good handle on the cage. And then I slowly tip over, cage in hand into the pool. I didn't get hurt badly at all but somehow scraped up the inside of my ankle on one side and got some cuts on the inside side of my foot on the other side. I didn't really notice til I got out of the pool after practice though, and my ankle was all bleeding. Eh.
In other news, we will be hosting a water polo tournament in Vegas, April 13-15, so yay. May combine that with a trip home depending on what other things are scheduled for then.
Also, can't remember if I posted about this, but I passed my second year exam a few weeks ago, so that is all over and life is back to normal of running simulations and doing synthesis.
And tomorrow I will be old. Blah. :-) But still unable to rent a car without extra fees. More blah. Oh and Lisa, I got your ecards, but I am saving them to look at til tomorrow :-) Thank you!
Oh, and we had a waterpolo party fri night, at which I drank a ton and had a generally good time. And hit on a frosh. Oh man, the sketchiness is oozing from me. But yeah, I blame the alcohol but the boy is pretty cute and also a nerd and a swimmer, we shall see. I expect the only times I will see him will be as he gets out of master's practice and I get into waterpolo, but whatever, he is a frosh and I should be less sketchy and find someone my own age.
Ok, that's really all now, time for bed, so that I can be old.